A Thousand Twitters

News of a strange new social network, Monolyth, reaches us from December of this year and from Chris McDowall.

To sate the great appetites of the system, which will only publish messages at least 140,000 characters long (and will abbreviate longer ones), authors turn to unusual techniques.

One of these is generating massive texts using modified versions of Taroko Gorge, one of which is included in the blog post.

8 Replies to “A Thousand Twitters”

  1. Is this real? I can find no other indication that it exists besides this post and the linked post.

  2. My sudden understanding of December this year has left me embarrassed.

  3. Also, that ASCII image is clearly a world-map generated in Dwarf Fortress.

  4. “Also, that ASCII image is clearly a world-map generated in Dwarf Fortress.”

    Which is one reason this looked so cool to me!

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