Two of my talks on this program:
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
have recently come online. I’m currently studying this program deeply and writing a single-voice book about it with many other authors.
My earlier talk, given jointly with coauthors Jeremy Douglass and Casey Reas on July 23 of last year, was “Studying Software by Porting and Reimplementation: A BASIC Case” at USC. As of yesterday, video of it is online with the rest of the conference proceedings from Critical Code Studies at USC.
More recently, on January 10, I spoke about the program at UC Santa Cruz. My talk “Line of Inquiry: Many Authors Explore Creative Computing through a Short Program” is available on video in six parts. Part 1 will let you link on to the rest.
Sounds fantastic, and I enjoyed watching the UC Santa Cruz presentation. It even inspired me to write a Processing port recreating the visual effect (rather than recreating the textual nature and one-line minimalism). I liked the glimpses of computing history that can be found by studying this short program.
made a video of this program running but saw casey reas demoing it at eyeo in minneapolis … thanks for the post (er, from a while ago!)