20 Replies to “World Clock”

  1. This is great. But I think I’ve caught a typo?

    “It is now precisely 06:12 in St. Johns. In some ramshackle yet sturdy habitat someone named Tsega, who is rather large, reads an entirely made-up word off the label of a tin can. She raises one eyebrow.” (96-97)

    Based on the time zone, I think that’s supposed to be St. John’s, Newfoundland, which has an apostrophe.

  2. Actually, it’s St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda – which also has an apostrophe. So, you are right that the apostrophe needs to be added. I will amend the document to include it as soon as I can.

  3. Chris, thanks, I updated the version of world_clock.pdf to add the missing apostrophe and to change the font of the body text from Times New Roman to Gentium. The version of the novel that you have is now rare and precious.

  4. I hate to argue with authorial intent, but the St. John’s reference is at “06:12”, but it’s the 42nd minute of that hour. St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda, is UTC-4:00, but Newfoundland Standard Time is UTC-3:30. (The entry two prior is “05:40 in Halifax”, which works if it’s Halifax, Nova Scotia (also UTC-4:00)—and I haven’t mapped out the whole novel yet, but I’m pretty sure it has to be.)

    But certainly Gentium is a nicer font.

  5. Ah yes, Chris, it’s the tell-tale 30 minutes. St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda is UTC-04:00, so you’re right, that must be the more northerly St. John’s. Sometimes Canada seems inscrutable, even without getting to its revocation of anti-prostitution laws, even without getting to Toronto. I appreciate the new-found understanding of time that you’ve offered.

  6. As I appreciate the new socio-temporal understanding that you’ve offered!

  7. great idea. also reminds me of Teju Cole’s twitter posts and the entire ‘fait divers’ thing…

  8. You should have done it with US towns. Alot of towns in the US have the same names

  9. It it intentional that the story takes place at winter (according to code exactly at 1-1-2000, according to text just in any period when DST is not used)?

  10. Good question — the new year is certainly significant, as a point when our appreciation of time is heightened. As for winter? Well, it’s only winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

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