Farking, Processing, and 10 PRINT

The book 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (and the program) have been discussed as “cool” on Fark. (I was hoping for a Photoshop contest with the program’s output, but this is nice, too…)

One of my co-authors, Casey Reas, has issued a 10 PRINT design challenge to the Processing community. There’s already been one program written in reply.

3 Replies to “Farking, Processing, and 10 PRINT”

  1. Now now… C64 wasn’t the only 8-bit micro with basic. Here’s a cross-platform that is a little more universal.

    10 PRINT CHR$(47 + (INT(RND(1)+.5)*45)); : GOTO 10


    ][ Infinitum!

  2. Thanks, BLuRry … your program is right there on page 53 of our book, in the section called “REM Ports to Other Platforms,” alongside a discussion of why the code is less concise and the output less pleasing. The book’s free, so you’re welcome to engage the actual discussion and arguments that the ten of us developed over the past two years.

  3. Great reading, coding, and poetry.

    I think that BLuRry and I are both Apple II fanatics. Obviously, the Apple II lacked the platform specific PETSCII character set — so it’s an easy hack on Commodore. Porting is tricky and often messy, especially your description in the book for the graphics on Atari.


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