Some Notes on E-Poetry

[If this is funny to anyone, it will probably be funny to people here at E-Poetry. Nevertheless, I offer it up here to the Internet as a curious digital relic of this gathering.]

an image macro

an image macro

an image macro

an image macro

an image macro

4 Replies to “Some Notes on E-Poetry”

  1. Mark Marino just tweeted this as “Notes on #epf11 by ELO Pres. Nick Montfort.” I suppose I was wearing my special presidential outfit when I wrote them, but I must note that these image macros do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the Electronic Literature Organization.

  2. That third one refers to the journal Springgun, discussed here; the Special America project & performance (see Twitter); and Stephanie Strickland, a presenter – who I had photographed here in Buffalo behind some bacon.

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