Morpheus Biblionaut

Writer, publisher, and collaborator of mine William Gillespie just read (yesterday afternoon) an extraordinary piece here at the &Now festival in Buffalo. The multimedia piece is Morpheus Biblionaut, which he created with Travis Alber of Gillespie pulls out the stops for this tale of an American astronaut and poet who returns to earth to find almost no radio activity, except, perhaps, for one signal. Plug in, isolate yourself for a space of time, and read this one!

I presented right after on ppg256, my series of poetry generators.

6 Replies to “Morpheus Biblionaut

  1. I love this. Even the loading animation is alluring. What I wondered about, though, as I watched was: if I were writing some analysis of this, or even just wanted to review a certain part, I’m kind of out of luck.

    This also raises the question of whether, as an author, you would want people to be able to skip forwards and back — it certainly demanded my attention in a way a work whose pace was entirely user-driven would not have.

  2. Thanks for the tip! I enjoyed reading it – at first I hated the no-pause-no-rewind thing but then I settled in with some knitting, put my feet up and really enjoyed the slow read experience. Wrote a bit about it on my blog :)

    The link to ppg265 seems broken, though?

  3. Jill, thanks for the post and comment, and for letting me know about the broken ppg256 link. I posted this from my phone and couldn’t easily check it. Should be working now. I enjoyed presenting on my tiny poetry generators, by the way, and have had lots of good conversations with people here about them and about related topics.

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