I have been wanting to have some sort of end-of-year fest, however small-scale and short-notice, and I was also looking for an excuse to unpack and reconfigure my office (a.k.a. the Trope Tank) after hauling much of my video game stuff back from the Boston Cyberarts Festival. So I decided to invite some MIT folks over, including CMS and GAMBIT game-players. Excuses to celebrate included this here new blog, Racing the Beam (not so new, but still a good excuse for a party), and MIT’s recent decision to promote and tenure me. I was very pleased to host a contingent from the Literature department, some CMS students and staff, and the person who has kindly loaned me that fine Asteroids cabinet, Jason Scott. There was an emphasis on the Atari VCS at the event. Players battled at Joust (and contemplated the symbology and implications of the game), played Space Invaders as a team, found Barnstorming simple but serene, figured out Yars’ Revenge, grooved with Tempest 2000 on the Jaguar, and failed to beat Ghosts ‘n Goblins on the NES. (Still, that was a lot better than I can do during an offhand attempt, Josh.) Thanks to all who stopped by.
Congratulations on tenure!
(Longtime GTxA lurker.)
Congrats on all counts, m’ster Montfort!
Wow, that was fast – congratulations on tenure, Nick! That’s awesome!
Thanks, Geoff, Victoria, and Sharon!
Big congrats!
Congratulations, Nick! Now you can spend your days doing what you really love — oh, wait —
Big congrats on getting tenure, Nick. Ghouls & Ghosts and Super Ghouls & Ghosts are two of the hardest games I have ever played. Maybe I’ll pull them out tonight and give it a shot again. Right now I am working through Castlevania III for the NES. I love how you can chose your own direction through that game.
Wow Congrats! I just found this blog by accident, found this post interesting, then realized I just ordered your book last night! Haha small world thanks to the internet. Would it be possible to get you to sign it if i mail it to you with an enclosed return mailer?
cade, sure! I hope you like the book. My office mailing address can be found here.