Interactive Fiction Meetup at MIT, Again, Tomorrow

The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction meets once again tomorrow (Monday 2014-11-24) in its regular meeting-place, the Trope Tank. We meet at 6:30 in MIT’s room 14N-233.

There is much to discuss and celebrate, such as the conclusion of the IF Comp – congrats to Sean M. Shore for his 1st place game Hunger Daemon, and to all the other winners. Besides that there’s the recent release of Hadean Lands by PR-IF stalwart Andew Plotkin. And, today there’s a front-page New York Times article about IF, and Twine games specifically. I’m sure I forgot some things we have to celebrate, so come by to see what those things are.

One Reply to “Interactive Fiction Meetup at MIT, Again, Tomorrow”

  1. Honestly, I didn’t see an on-paper New York Times to confirm the front-pageness. But the article about IF and Twine is a long New York Times Magazine piece that is well worth reading.

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