Interfacing with Computer Narratives: Literary Possibilities for Interactive Fiction
Works Cited
- A Mind Forever Voyaging. (Note 15) Infocom, 1985. Computer software. Various personal computers, 128k, disk.
- Anderson, Tim. "The History of Zork - First in a Series." The New Zork Times 4.1 (Winter 1985) 6-7+.
- Anderson, Tim. "The History of Zork - Second in a Series." The New Zork Times 4.2 [Issue number is repeated in Summer 1985 issue.] (Spring 1985) 4-6.
- Anderson, Tim. "The History of Zork - The Final(?) Chapter: MIT, MDL, ZIL, ZIP." The New Zork Times 4.2 [Issue number repeats that of Spring 1985 issue.] (Summer 1985) 4-5.
- Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur. Infocom, 1989. Computer Software. IBM PC or Macintosh, disks.
- Barnett, Doug. Return to Zork. Infocom/Activision, 1993. Computer software. MPC 80386, MS-DOS, 4 MB, CD-ROM.
- Bateman, Selby. "The Prose and the Parser: How Writers See Games." COMPUTE!'s Gazette. June 1985: 39-46.
- Bates, Joseph. "The Nature of Character in Interactive Worlds and the Oz Project." (October 1992) CMU Computer Science Paper 92-200.
- Baudrillard, Jean. The Ecstasy of Communication. Semiotext[e]. New York: 1983.
- Border Zone. Infocom, 1987. Computer Software, 128k.
- Carroll, Jon. "Guerrillas in the Myst." Wired 2.08 (August 1994): 69-73.
- Crowther, Willie and Woods, Don. Adventure. addl. prog. Jaeger, J.R. and Jerry D. Pohl, IBM-PC vers. 1984. Computer Software. Various mainframe, mini and personal computers.
- Doom. Id software, 1994. Computer software, 80386, MS-DOS, 640k.
- Dungeon. Infocom. Also called Zork. First version 1977. Computer software. PDP-10, ITS.
- Hochberg, Burt. "They Take the High-tech Road to Adventure." GAMES (August/September 1987)
- Infocom. "By Any Other Name." The Status Line 5.4 (Fall 1986): 6.
- Joyce, Michael. Afternoon, A Story. Computer software. Eastgate Systems, Inc., 1987. Macintosh, disk.
- Kantrowitz, Mark. "Glinda: Natural Language Text Generation in the Oz IF Project." (July 1990) CMU Computer Science Paper 90-158.
- Kay, Alan. "Computer Software." Scientific American 251.3 (September 1984): 52-59.
- Kelley, Robert. "A Maze of Twisty Little Passages, All Alike: Aesthetics and Teleology in Interactive Computer Fictional Environments." Science Fiction Studies 20 (1993): 52-68.
- Kelso, Margaret Thomas, Peter Weyhrauch and Joseph Bates. "Dramatic Presence." (December 1992) CMU Computer Science Paper 92-195.
- Landow, George. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. John Hopkins. Baltimore: 1992.
- Lanham, Richard. The Electronic Word. University of Chicago Press. Chicago: 1993.
- Laurel, Brenda. Computers as Theatre. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley. Reading, Mass: 1993.
- Lebling, Dave. "Lurking Horror Features Sound for Amiga." The Status Line (Winter 1987): 3.
- Lebowitz, Michael. "Creating Characters in a Story-Telling Universe." Poetics 13 (1984): 171-194.
- Lohr, Steve. "Potboiler Springs from Computer's Loins." The New York Times (July 2, 1993): A1, C15.
- McCorduck, Pamela. "America's Multimediatrix." Wired 2.03 (March 1994): 79-82+.
- McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy. University of Toronto Press. Toronto: 1962.
- McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. McGraw-Hill. New York: 1964.
- Miller, Rand and Robyn Miller. Myst. MPC prog. Grace Kim et al. Brøderbund/Cyan, 1993. Computer software. 80386 MPC, Windows 3.1, MS-DOS 5.0, 4 MB, CD-ROM.
- Niesz, Anthony and Holland, Norman. "Interactive Fiction." Critical Inquiry 11 (1984): 110-129.
- Pinsky, Robert. "The Poetics of Zork," New York Times Book Review (March 19, 1995) 3+
- Pinsky, Robert. Mindwheel. Hales, Steve and William Mataga, programmers. Synapse/Brøderbund, 1984. Book and computer software. Various personal computers, 64k, disk.
- Polti, Georges. The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations. The Writer, Inc. Boston: 1916.
- Propp, Vladimir. Morphology of the Folk Tale. University of Texas Press. Austin: 1968.
- Randall, Neil. "Determining Literariness In Interactive Fiction." Computers and the Humanities 22 (1988) 183-191.
- Sigwart, Rob. Portal. Brad Fregger, producer. Activision, 1986. Computer Software. Various personal computers, 128k, disk.
- The Lurking Horror. Infocom, 1987. Computer software. Various personal computers, 64k, disk.
- The Magnetic Scrolls Collection. Magnetic Scrolls/Virgin Games, 1991. IBM-PC, 640k, disk.
- The Making of Myst. Brøderbund/Cyan, 1994. Quicktime Movie, playable on Macintosh or IBM.
- The Multidimensional Thief. Electric Sheep Entertainment Software, 1992. Computer software. IBM PC, 640k.
- Williams, Roberta. King's Quest VI. Sierra, 1992. Computer software. IBM-PC, 640k, disk or CD-ROM.
- Williams, Roberta. King's Quest. Sierra, 1983. Computer software. Various personal computers, 64k or 128k, disk.
- Zork I. Infocom, 1979. Computer Software. Various personal computers, 64k, disk.
- Zork II. Infocom, 1979. Computer Software. Various personal computers, 64k, disk.
- Zork III. Infocom, 1979. Computer Software. Various personal computers, 64k, disk.
_____________ Nick Montfort