Please enjoy Post Hoc, a show I’ve put together with generous contributions from a baker’s dozen artists and eight writers. There was no pre-established theme for Post Hoc, which was prompted by our inability to get to IRL galleries and museums. Artists were simply asked for digital images, any digital image they considered an artwork. (Several works in the show do have other manifestations.) The work in the show is all from 2020. I solicited 1000–1200 character responses to each piece.
Agnieszka Kurant response by Mary Flanagan
Christian Bök response by Paul Stephens
Daniel Temkin response by Craig Dworkin
Derek Beaulieu response by Amaranth Borsuk
Forsyth Harmon response by Simon Morris & Valérie Steunou
Lauren Lee McCarthy response by Daniel Temkin
Lilla LoCurto & Bill Outcault response by Fox Harrell
Olia Lialina response by Mary Flanagan
Manfred Mohr response by Craig Dworkin
Mark Klink response by Daniel Temkin
Renée Green response by Paul Stephens
Sly Watts response by Fox Harrell
Susan Bee response by Amaranth Borsuk
You can scroll through the entire Post Hoc show as a single page. However, you’ll only see the images at their original size, and be able to read the responses, if you go to each post individually.