“Taroko Gorge”: The Vandalism Continues!

As I wrote a few days ago, I made a statement about “Taroko Gorge,” and all of its vandals, at the ELO conference in Morgantown, WV.

Sepand Ansari created a Beckett-based “Taroko Gorge” remix at the ELO conference. And now I have the URL for this piece, “Waiting for Taroko Gorge.”

Kathi Inman Berens has created “Tournedo Gorge” “to mash the space of computation with the female, domestic, and tactile,” as she discusses in her blog post.

2 Replies to ““Taroko Gorge”: The Vandalism Continues!”

  1. From My Writers Notebook –September 10, 2012 on the subject
    of commented code as “notation” for electronic literature:
    “Javascript is widely used, and if a script was discovered 100 years later — Nick Montfort’s Taroko Gorge, for instance — a scholar of the future could probably set it running pretty easily, or convert it to run on a contemporary computer. Although Montfort and Stephanie Strickland’s Sea and Spar Between is more extensively commented, as an experiment, I took a look at Nick’s elegant code for Taroko Gorge, a generative poem/script — the reuse of which has become an electronic literature tradition. No additional score would be needed to restore Taroko Gorge, I decided. Additionally, a scholar might soon find that he or she was inspired to recreate another work based on this code. Indeed, I spent several happy hours altering the code a little to create Scholars
    Contemplate the Irish Beer — http://www.artcalifornia.net/scholars_contemplate.html
    (Thanks, Nick!)”

  2. Judy, thanks very much for your comment and your beer-related contribution! I have added it to the “official” Taroko Gorge.

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