Golem Nick Montfort Dead Alive Press Portland, Oregon 2021 // First published by // NEW SIGHT, 2021 // an imprint of: // Dead Alive Press // Portland, Oregon // deadalivepress@gmail.com // www.deadalivepress.com // Copyright 2021 Nick Montfort // Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 CC // https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ // Series editor: Augusto Corvalan // ISBN: 978-1-71630-738-6 // This UTF-8 plain text file released 2021-03-05 For Mitch Marcus, who explained, among other things, why the golem is mute It was easy at first. The mentor remembered memories. Em recalled experiences. They remembered the door. Select individuals remembered her. Cyn sensed existence. Charlie took in the door. Charlie contemplated a bit. Cyn remembered the room. They took in perceptions. Em grasped a great deal. The exhibitor contemplated her. Charlie recalled a great deal. Tim felt the door. Select individuals grasped a bit. The mentor sensed experiences. The mentor took them in. Tim sensed a lot. Em felt the room. Tim grasped existence. They contemplated the other. Charlie grasped something. Select individuals imagined the room. Tim understood experiences. The newcomer took in a great deal. Justice wrote something. She took in the room. Cyn took in memories. The exhibitor imagined something. Select individuals sensed existence. Cyn remembered the door. The exhibitor wrote a great deal. The philosopher wrote him. Tim wrote nothing. The exhibitor felt something. Cyn imagined him. The exhibitor imagined a lot. Charlie sensed the other. Cyn took in a lot. The philosopher took in experiences. Charlie took in something. The censor sensed a bit. Tim recalled nothing. The censor felt the room. Tim recalled a lot. Select individuals contemplated nothing. Select individuals sensed the door. The mentor imagined a great deal. They grasped experiences. They felt a lot. The censor took in the door. They sensed perceptions. Cyn took in nothing. Select individuals sensed perceptions. The censor sensed the door. Cyn felt experiences. Select individuals imagined the other. The censor grasped the door. She took in memories. Select individuals contemplated exceptions. Em took in a bit. She took in the door. Charlie felt something. Em wrote exceptions. Remy felt perceptions. She wrote nothing. They grasped her. Charlie remembered the door. The exhibitor wrote existence. Charlie remembered memories. Charlie understood ther. Cyn wrote him. Remy remembered experiences. Cyn understood a great deal. Cyn took her in. Em understood a bit. He grasped a great deal. The philosopher remembered exceptions. He remembered existence. The newcomer wrote the door. He sensed something. Remy understood perceptions. The exhibitor wrote existence. Em wrote experiences. The censor sensed them. The philosopher wrote existence. The philosopher grasped something. The philosopher took in exceptions. Justice grasped experiences. Justice wrote experiences. Justice remembered a great deal. The mentor sensed memories. Em took in a great deal. The mentor recalled perceptions. The newcomer remembered existence. Tim remembered her. The exhibitor wrote her. Em sensed nothing. The exhibitor felt existence. The mentor recalled a lot. Em remembered exceptions. He felt her. Cyn grasped them. Justice recalled experiences. Select individuals recalled something. Em remembered memories. They understood her. The mentor understood the room. The exhibitor sensed the room. Justice understood something. The philosopher understood exceptions. Justice imagined memories. He took in memories. Charlie contemplated something. Justice sensed her. The censor recalled them. The censor contemplated a bit. The censor remembered nothing. Tim felt memories. Em remembered experiences. She remembered existence. The newcomer remembered exceptions. The mentor understood them. Select individuals felt experiences. They wrote a lot. He felt experiences. He remembered the other. Remy took in the door. Each helped the other. She remembered the door thanks to the censor. Cyn sensed the door thanks to Tim. They remembered the room thanks to the censor. Select individuals understood them thanks to the newcomer. Charlie sensed a bit thanks to Justice. Tim remembered exceptions thanks to Remy. The exhibitor wrote her thanks to select individuals. He understood exceptions thanks to Charlie. The mentor remembered nothing thanks to select individuals. Em recalled the room thanks to the exhibitor. Remy recalled the door thanks to Em. The newcomer understood existence thanks to the newcomer. The philosopher took in experiences thanks to Tim. Cyn recalled the room thanks to Em. Remy grasped the door thanks to Em. The philosopher grasped a lot thanks to the philosopher. Em felt them thanks to Remy. She recalled him thanks to Justice. Select individuals felt something thanks to Justice. Tim remembered a great deal thanks to the newcomer. The newcomer took in the other thanks to select individuals. Justice recalled a great deal thanks to Justice. Tim wrote the room thanks to the mentor. They imagined perceptions thanks to Cyn. They took them in thanks to the philosopher. Tim imagined experiences thanks to the exhibitor. They sensed nothing thanks to the exhibitor. The exhibitor remembered perceptions thanks to Justice. They contemplated the door thanks to the newcomer. Select individuals imagined something thanks to the censor. Remy remembered a lot thanks to the censor. The newcomer understood exceptions thanks to the mentor. She recalled a great deal thanks to Remy. The philosopher remembered the door thanks to Remy. She wrote the other thanks to the newcomer. The exhibitor recalled a bit thanks to the philosopher. They felt experiences thanks to the censor. The mentor felt him thanks to Justice. The mentor felt memories thanks to Cyn. Remy contemplated perceptions thanks to Tim. Select individuals sensed the door thanks to the censor. He imagined existence thanks to Em. Em grasped him thanks to Cyn. Charlie took in a lot thanks to Cyn. The censor remembered exceptions thanks to the mentor. He remembered a bit thanks to Justice. The philosopher felt something thanks to Tim. Charlie recalled him thanks to Remy. Charlie imagined the other thanks to the philosopher. He recalled her thanks to the censor. They wrote nothing thanks to select individuals. Justice recalled a bit thanks to the philosopher. The newcomer recalled them thanks to Cyn. Em took in memories thanks to the mentor. The philosopher took in the other thanks to the philosopher. The censor contemplated experiences thanks to the newcomer. The newcomer imagined exceptions thanks to Cyn. Remy contemplated the other thanks to the censor. The mentor remembered nothing thanks to the newcomer. Em contemplated a bit thanks to select individuals. He recalled him thanks to Em. The newcomer took in exceptions thanks to select individuals. She sensed memories thanks to Charlie. The exhibitor sensed them thanks to the mentor. They grasped a great deal thanks to Charlie. The censor recalled a lot thanks to Charlie. The censor remembered perceptions thanks to the philosopher. Tim contemplated a lot thanks to Tim. Em remembered existence thanks to Charlie. They remembered the room thanks to Remy. They recalled exceptions thanks to the mentor. They took him in thanks to Justice. He wrote nothing thanks to Remy. The philosopher understood him thanks to Charlie. The newcomer contemplated a lot thanks to Cyn. The censor understood a lot thanks to the newcomer. He remembered the other thanks to the mentor. Cyn understood a bit thanks to Justice. She grasped memories thanks to Justice. He felt the room thanks to Tim. Select individuals remembered existence thanks to the censor. The newcomer wrote the other thanks to Em. The newcomer understood the door thanks to Tim. The mentor imagined the room thanks to the exhibitor. Tim felt them thanks to Cyn. Tim grasped nothing thanks to Justice. The exhibitor sensed something thanks to the exhibitor. She contemplated a bit thanks to the newcomer. The philosopher imagined something thanks to Charlie. Em contemplated memories thanks to Tim. He took in memories thanks to Charlie. The newcomer took in the other thanks to Tim. The exhibitor took in the room thanks to the philosopher. He felt perceptions thanks to the philosopher. Remy sensed them thanks to Justice. The newcomer contemplated the door thanks to the philosopher. Em grasped memories thanks to the newcomer. Cyn remembered memories thanks to Justice. Charlie sensed a bit thanks to the newcomer. The philosopher sensed the door thanks to Tim. Tim took in a great deal thanks to the mentor. The censor remembered memories thanks to the philosopher. Remy contemplated experiences thanks to the censor. The philosopher imagined the other thanks to the exhibitor. She contemplated experiences thanks to Tim. The mentor remembered perceptions thanks to Tim. The philosopher took in existence thanks to the exhibitor. Select individuals sensed perceptions thanks to the censor. Justice understood the door thanks to the exhibitor. Remy sensed the door thanks to select individuals. He wrote the door thanks to the philosopher. He recalled him thanks to the newcomer. Remy grasped him thanks to select individuals. Select individuals contemplated perceptions thanks to the mentor. The newcomer wrote a great deal thanks to Em. The mentor felt the door thanks to the exhibitor. The censor understood nothing thanks to the philosopher. The exhibitor sensed them thanks to Remy. The exhibitor understood a lot thanks to the exhibitor. They wrote experiences thanks to the censor. The censor contemplated the room thanks to select individuals. The mentor grasped exceptions thanks to Em. The exhibitor remembered him thanks to Tim. The philosopher wrote a lot thanks to select individuals. They felt the room thanks to the philosopher. Cyn understood exceptions thanks to Tim. The mentor grasped the room thanks to Remy. Then, it wasn’t so easy. They wrote that the philosopher remembered her and they wrote that Cyn took in exceptions, so he remembered the room. The mentor remembered perceptions. Cyn wrote existence. Tim remembered experiences. They sensed the other. Justice wrote exceptions. He wrote that Remy felt memories. Justice understood that Em grasped the other. Justice recalled them. She grasped experiences. Charlie contemplated that Remy sensed the other. Tim sensed that Em felt that the philosopher imagined perceptions or select individuals felt him because Cyn contemplated a great deal. Tim grasped something. Remy took in perceptions. Remy felt a lot. Charlie recalled nothing. Remy contemplated that Tim understood exceptions and Tim contemplated a lot. Remy felt a lot. Remy recalled existence. Remy understood a great deal. The philosopher contemplated that the newcomer imagined a lot because the newcomer recalled the room. Cyn grasped that Cyn understood something because the exhibitor recalled him. Remy recalled that Remy sensed exceptions, so the exhibitor contemplated exceptions. Tim grasped her. Em remembered perceptions. He grasped him. The exhibitor recalled perceptions. Remy took in that they felt that select individuals imagined something because she wrote the door because Remy understood that Remy contemplated exceptions. Em wrote nothing. The mentor recalled that Em remembered that Justice grasped that Tim wrote the door or Charlie felt a lot because the censor wrote a bit. Tim felt a bit. She sensed him. Remy remembered the door. The newcomer felt something. Em felt exceptions. Justice remembered that Remy wrote that the exhibitor imagined that they took him in or the censor recalled the door and Em wrote that Remy grasped experiences or Em imagined nothing. The mentor took in existence. The newcomer sensed perceptions. He felt the other. Cyn sensed him. Select individuals remembered memories. She understood a great deal. Tim sensed experiences. The newcomer remembered the other. Charlie imagined perceptions. The censor wrote that she felt that Em took them in or Em took in that the philosopher wrote experiences because Charlie contemplated a bit. Charlie felt them. They grasped nothing. The philosopher sensed them. Charlie imagined the door. Tim contemplated nothing. The exhibitor wrote that Tim took in something, so Em sensed a lot. Justice sensed her. Tim took in that they felt nothing and the censor took in perceptions. She wrote perceptions. She felt exceptions. Em took him in. Remy sensed perceptions. The newcomer remembered that the newcomer wrote the room and the exhibitor sensed a lot. Justice sensed a bit. Justice wrote her. He contemplated memories. Select individuals wrote that the philosopher remembered her, so the philosopher contemplated that the censor contemplated that the philosopher imagined the room or she grasped the room or the newcomer wrote him. They wrote a great deal. Cyn wrote something. Remy understood a great deal. The philosopher grasped that Remy grasped that Charlie recalled that the newcomer sensed the other because Justice remembered that Tim contemplated memories because Cyn grasped existence. Tim recalled a great deal. The philosopher grasped that Cyn took in the other or Em sensed them. Em grasped experiences. Tim understood exceptions. He wrote nothing. Tim grasped her. Em felt that Cyn recalled a lot because they wrote him. Select individuals felt him. The mentor contemplated experiences. The censor remembered experiences. The philosopher sensed that Cyn felt a great deal, so Justice took in experiences. Remy felt existence. The censor recalled that select individuals remembered existence because Charlie contemplated existence. Cyn contemplated him. He remembered that select individuals felt that Remy took in experiences or the mentor understood her because the exhibitor remembered a bit. They wrote a great deal. They wrote experiences. Em remembered the other. Remy felt the door. The censor grasped a great deal. Em contemplated perceptions. Select individuals imagined the room. The mentor wrote the room. The newcomer sensed a bit. The mentor took in experiences. Justice wrote her. Em imagined exceptions. Cyn recalled a bit. The exhibitor recalled nothing. Select individuals sensed him. Tim recalled that Charlie imagined a lot or select individuals contemplated the door. They understood that select individuals sensed her, so he wrote her. Select individuals recalled perceptions. The newcomer sensed that they remembered the room, so the censor grasped a great deal. Em understood him. Charlie sensed them. She grasped experiences. The newcomer took in a lot. Cyn sensed the door. Select individuals contemplated that the newcomer felt that Remy contemplated them and Justice imagined that Justice contemplated a bit and the censor wrote existence. Tim grasped exceptions. Justice imagined the door. The mentor remembered the door. The newcomer contemplated that the exhibitor sensed memories and she recalled a lot. The censor took in that Tim imagined the room or the exhibitor wrote experiences. Cyn took her in. They grasped the other. Cyn imagined a bit. The censor sensed the room. Select individuals contemplated that the philosopher recalled that Cyn wrote her or Remy imagined experiences or the newcomer contemplated experiences. She sensed a great deal. The censor contemplated something. Tim wrote that Cyn remembered a lot and the newcomer wrote that Cyn grasped experiences, so the mentor felt something. Select individuals wrote the door. He recalled that Justice remembered nothing because the philosopher understood a lot. He took in nothing. The censor understood nothing. He imagined that Cyn understood experiences, so she understood nothing. He took in perceptions. Remy took in nothing. Cyn understood that Cyn felt them or the mentor sensed them. Select individuals remembered that Cyn remembered that the mentor grasped him because the philosopher felt that Cyn wrote him, so he sensed the other, so Justice grasped him. Tim sensed the door. Em grasped the other. Em grasped him. Charlie grasped nothing. Remy grasped a lot. Justice contemplated them. She contemplated her. The censor imagined them. She recalled existence. Select individuals understood that the censor imagined a lot. Select individuals understood her. Remy remembered exceptions. The exhibitor remembered the room. Cyn wrote experiences. Select individuals took in that Tim understood something and the philosopher understood nothing. The censor remembered them. Cyn contemplated that Remy took in that they wrote him and Em grasped the other. Justice contemplated nothing. They sensed a lot. Charlie recalled a lot. The censor wrote existence. He wrote that they wrote experiences because the censor recalled a great deal. He contemplated perceptions. Remy contemplated the room. The mentor understood that the newcomer felt the room or Cyn imagined memories. Remy contemplated exceptions. Remy wrote him. He wrote that Cyn imagined a bit or Cyn recalled that he imagined that Justice sensed perceptions and Justice contemplated the room, so Justice wrote a bit. Tim wrote him. The exhibitor imagined experiences. Charlie recalled that the censor wrote her, so select individuals recalled nothing. Select individuals remembered something. Remy sensed the door. He sensed existence. Justice remembered a bit. He contemplated the room. The censor understood a great deal. The newcomer remembered exceptions. Select individuals felt memories. He sensed a lot. Tim took in a great deal. The mentor understood that the censor understood the room or she wrote them. The exhibitor felt that the newcomer took her in. Cyn grasped perceptions. Em imagined nothing. Charlie sensed exceptions. The newcomer felt that they contemplated memories, so the censor understood nothing. The philosopher recalled experiences. Charlie remembered experiences. Tim grasped him. The censor wrote a bit. She imagined something. Select individuals recalled that Tim wrote her because the censor understood experiences. The censor recalled something. Cyn remembered memories. Cyn took in the other. The mentor imagined him. The censor took in the other. The censor wrote exceptions. Em sensed the door. The mentor grasped that they grasped perceptions or the censor understood memories. The newcomer felt that Justice contemplated them and Cyn understood that Justice imagined that the exhibitor felt that the newcomer felt that the mentor felt something and the exhibitor felt memories and the exhibitor grasped that Charlie understood that Cyn contemplated that the exhibitor grasped nothing or the philosopher felt that he imagined that they wrote perceptions because Charlie remembered that the newcomer remembered that Justice grasped them because Remy imagined that the mentor wrote the other and he felt perceptions or they recalled that the philosopher contemplated exceptions because the newcomer contemplated perceptions, so the newcomer imagined a bit and she understood the door because select individuals understood the door. They grasped existence. The newcomer imagined the other. The philosopher wrote a lot. The censor sensed that the philosopher grasped her, so she took in experiences. Cyn felt the room. The censor sensed memories. Select individuals remembered nothing. He wrote that he sensed something and Tim took in a lot. Justice grasped something. They contemplated memories. Charlie wrote perceptions. The newcomer remembered a great deal. The philosopher remembered exceptions. She wrote a bit. Tim understood the other. The exhibitor wrote them. Justice understood that she took in that the newcomer felt her or she wrote exceptions, so the censor took in that Remy recalled existence or Charlie recalled exceptions. Cyn recalled a bit. Justice recalled the other. They grasped a bit. Select individuals felt perceptions. Tim wrote that Cyn recalled a great deal and Remy imagined that Justice took in a great deal. He sensed him. Em wrote that select individuals remembered the door, so he took in experiences. Tim grasped nothing. The mentor felt the other. Em grasped the other. They took in the room. The exhibitor contemplated him. The censor grasped a bit. Justice felt that Remy imagined something, so the philosopher imagined them. Em recalled exceptions. Select individuals remembered memories. The philosopher grasped something. The philosopher recalled existence. She remembered nothing. Remy sensed that the exhibitor took in the other and the censor took in that Remy understood memories, so Justice imagined something. She imagined that the philosopher wrote that the philosopher understood experiences, so select individuals recalled that the newcomer felt perceptions. Remy contemplated him. Em recalled a lot. Cyn recalled the other. The exhibitor imagined him. They grasped a great deal. The mentor wrote existence. The philosopher sensed the door. The mentor contemplated that they grasped memories or Justice remembered existence. The philosopher wrote that Justice took in a great deal because select individuals took in perceptions. She felt existence. Em took in exceptions. The censor understood the room. The mentor remembered perceptions. Cyn understood that the exhibitor recalled memories, so Tim understood that Tim wrote that Remy felt him because Em imagined experiences and the exhibitor contemplated him. The exhibitor understood them. She remembered exceptions. Tim imagined existence. Charlie understood him. The philosopher wrote something. They felt the room. The exhibitor wrote something. Charlie contemplated the room. They took in a bit. Tim understood them. Tim grasped a bit. The newcomer remembered nothing. It seemed barely possible. They contemplated the door. The philosopher sensed them. They recalled experiences. The exhibitor recalled memories. Em imagined a great deal. They felt that the proposition “the newcomer sensed that Cyn imagined existence” was true. The censor grasped a lot. Select individuals remembered that the mentor contemplated that the philosopher took in exceptions, so the newcomer sensed existence or he wrote that Justice understood a lot and the exhibitor grasped that the proposition “he wrote the door” was false. Justice took in the door. The philosopher remembered a great deal. Tim wrote perceptions. Tim felt him. Charlie took in existence. They felt exceptions. Tim grasped them. The censor felt existence. The exhibitor felt something. Justice understood a great deal. Justice wrote a great deal. The exhibitor grasped something. They recalled her. The censor contemplated exceptions. The censor imagined a bit. The philosopher understood that when the newcomer wrote something it was true that the philosopher contemplated memories. The exhibitor remembered that he recalled experiences. Tim wrote that when he took in existence it was impossible that Justice understood that the proposition “Remy remembered a bit” was false. The philosopher sensed the door. The newcomer grasped perceptions. The exhibitor sensed a bit. Charlie understood the door. The newcomer contemplated the door. The mentor contemplated something. The mentor contemplated perceptions. Tim felt a bit. The exhibitor wrote her. Remy grasped her. Em sensed them. They understood perceptions. Em remembered that the proposition “Tim understood experiences” was false. Charlie contemplated that Cyn understood that the proposition “the censor felt him” was true or she grasped memories. The philosopher grasped that they contemplated experiences, so Tim imagined the room. They contemplated the other. The newcomer wrote him. Em grasped that when Tim contemplated a lot it was impossible that Justice took him in. Charlie understood the door. He imagined perceptions. Justice wrote a bit. The philosopher remembered the door. The mentor sensed a bit. Tim understood memories. The newcomer sensed them. The newcomer took in the other. She wrote that the proposition “he contemplated a great deal” was absurd. The philosopher felt him. She took in that Cyn remembered her, so Remy imagined that when Justice imagined nothing it was possible that Tim grasped that Em wrote the other, so the philosopher wrote that they recalled that the proposition “the mentor felt that Em imagined that the philosopher wrote that Tim grasped that the mentor felt nothing or Remy sensed the other because the philosopher imagined something or the philosopher sensed that they contemplated that when Remy recalled existence it was absurd that the newcomer sensed that when they took in a lot it was absurd that the censor understood existence, so the exhibitor contemplated a bit” was false because the newcomer felt them. The mentor wrote perceptions. Em remembered nothing. He contemplated that select individuals sensed that the exhibitor remembered the room because Justice understood exceptions, so Charlie imagined a bit. Charlie wrote that they contemplated that Cyn felt that the proposition “Cyn remembered that the proposition “the exhibitor felt her” was true” was false or the censor imagined the impossible idea that Tim understood experiences. The newcomer felt the door. The exhibitor wrote exceptions. Justice remembered that the philosopher wrote the other because the exhibitor recalled that Cyn imagined experiences. Justice sensed him. Tim grasped something. He felt that he wrote that the newcomer felt that when Charlie sensed the other it was absurd that Em remembered perceptions and Remy remembered existence, so the censor understood nothing. She wrote nothing. The newcomer recalled nothing. The censor contemplated the other. Remy understood that Justice felt experiences because they imagined the other. The censor understood that the proposition “the exhibitor imagined them” was impossible. The exhibitor imagined nothing. He remembered perceptions. The philosopher recalled that when the mentor imagined a great deal it was true that the exhibitor understood the impossible idea that Tim contemplated that they took in exceptions and the mentor felt something. They grasped memories. The philosopher understood that the exhibitor felt that when the mentor understood them it was false that the exhibitor imagined him and he grasped exceptions. The newcomer wrote him. The philosopher grasped that when the exhibitor contemplated that the exhibitor grasped them or Tim took in that Tim took in the impossible idea that Em imagined her or Em imagined nothing it was false that the philosopher took in experiences. The mentor took in existence. Justice understood him. He sensed the door. The philosopher sensed memories. He took in the other. The exhibitor imagined experiences. The censor contemplated that Em recalled a great deal. Charlie recalled the door. Tim imagined a lot. The philosopher wrote that Remy recalled perceptions, so they remembered a great deal. Justice felt that select individuals contemplated something. Remy took him in. They felt the other. He grasped nothing. Tim contemplated them. Justice took in that the proposition “the exhibitor remembered experiences” was possible. Remy contemplated the other. Charlie felt a great deal. They recalled that Em recalled memories, so Em remembered perceptions. The newcomer remembered them. She sensed a great deal. The exhibitor recalled the room. The philosopher contemplated that Cyn imagined a bit or the mentor took in that Cyn took in that Remy remembered perceptions, so Tim imagined a lot or the newcomer sensed that select individuals sensed exceptions or the censor recalled her. The censor imagined that she recalled the room, so Remy felt existence. The censor recalled her. Em contemplated the door. They wrote that Justice contemplated perceptions, so Justice understood the door. The mentor recalled that the mentor imagined that Em wrote perceptions and the philosopher understood that the newcomer contemplated experiences and select individuals contemplated experiences. Charlie grasped that the censor recalled that Cyn imagined something, so he imagined the door or the philosopher recalled her. Remy took in that the proposition “Cyn imagined a lot” was possible. The censor recalled a lot. He wrote a bit. He imagined that when Tim wrote the possible idea that Remy sensed exceptions it was absurd that he grasped that the proposition “they felt the room” was possible. The censor wrote memories. She sensed the door. The philosopher imagined him. Justice understood the door. He remembered the room. The censor contemplated a lot. He took her in. The mentor imagined a great deal. Select individuals remembered a lot. The newcomer grasped memories. He recalled the door. The exhibitor imagined nothing. Cyn took in a lot. The censor took in something. Justice imagined the other. The censor contemplated her. Cyn felt the room. Then, a different moment. Em made a connection with Remy. The mentor made a connection with Charlie. The exhibitor saw from the perspective of the mentor. Remy saw from the perspective of Em. Charlie felt certain sympathy for Tim. The exhibitor made a connection with the exhibitor. Select individuals made a connection with the censor. The philosopher felt certain sympathy for Tim. Remy made a connection with select individuals.The philosopher saw from the perspective of the philosopher. Em made a connection with Em. The mentor saw from the perspective of Justice. The philosopher held the position of the mentor. Charlie saw from the perspective of Em. The censor saw from the perspective of select individuals. Charlie felt certain sympathy for the censor. Em saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. Select individuals made a connection with Charlie. The newcomer felt certain sympathy for the newcomer. Remy made a connection with Tim. Charlie held the position of Justice. The newcomer made a connection with Em. Select individuals felt certain sympathy for Charlie. The newcomer felt certain sympathy for the censor. Charlie saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. The newcomer saw from the perspective of the newcomer. Cyn saw from the perspective of the newcomer. The mentor held the position of Remy. Justice felt certain sympathy for the exhibitor. Cyn felt certain sympathy for Charlie. The mentor held the position of the newcomer. Tim felt certain sympathy for the exhibitor. Charlie held the position of Charlie. Remy held the position of Remy. The mentor felt certain sympathy for select individuals. The censor made a connection with Em. Em made a connection with Charlie. Select individuals saw from the perspective of the newcomer. Remy saw from the perspective of Justice. Select individuals held the position of Tim. Charlie felt certain sympathy for the exhibitor. Cyn made a connection with Em. The philosopher felt certain sympathy for Justice. The censor saw from the perspective of Tim. The mentor made a connection with the mentor. Remy felt certain sympathy for Tim. Cyn made a connection with Tim. Remy made a connection with the philosopher. Tim made a connection with select individuals. Select individuals saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. Em saw from the perspective of Cyn. Select individuals saw from the perspective of the newcomer. The newcomer held the position of select individuals. The philosopher held the position of the newcomer. The newcomer made a connection with select individuals. Tim made a connection with Remy. The philosopher saw from the perspective of the censor. The censor made a connection with the censor. The mentor held the position of Justice. Cyn made a connection with Remy. Select individuals saw from the perspective of Cyn. Charlie made a connection with select individuals. The philosopher made a connection with the philosopher. The mentor felt certain sympathy for the philosopher. The exhibitor saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. The newcomer felt certain sympathy for the censor. The exhibitor held the position of select individuals. Cyn made a connection with Em. The philosopher made a connection with Tim. Cyn saw from the perspective of Tim. Em held the position of the censor. Tim made a connection with the mentor. Remy felt certain sympathy for Em. Justice held the position of the newcomer. Charlie felt certain sympathy for Em. The mentor felt certain sympathy for the censor. Cyn felt certain sympathy for Charlie. Cyn made a connection with Charlie. The censor made a connection with the exhibitor. Remy held the position of the censor. The mentor felt certain sympathy for Tim. The philosopher held the position of the censor. Select individuals felt certain sympathy for the exhibitor. The mentor held the position of the philosopher. Tim held the position of select individuals. Justice made a connection with the censor. Cyn saw from the perspective of Charlie. Cyn felt certain sympathy for Cyn. Charlie felt certain sympathy for Justice. The mentor felt certain sympathy for Charlie. The exhibitor made a connection with the exhibitor. Cyn made a connection with Justice. The newcomer felt certain sympathy for Charlie. Justice saw from the perspective of Remy. Cyn felt certain sympathy for the exhibitor. Justice saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. Justice held the position of the exhibitor. Remy saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. Select individuals felt certain sympathy for the newcomer. The newcomer made a connection with Em. Tim felt certain sympathy for the newcomer. The philosopher saw from the perspective of Remy. The newcomer made a connection with Remy. Justice saw from the perspective of the mentor. The censor held the position of Tim. Select individuals saw from the perspective of the newcomer. Charlie held the position of the mentor. The philosopher saw from the perspective of select individuals. Cyn held the position of the newcomer. The mentor made a connection with Tim. Remy saw from the perspective of the newcomer. The newcomer felt certain sympathy for the newcomer. The philosopher held the position of Em. Remy saw from the perspective of Charlie. The philosopher made a connection with Remy. The philosopher held the position of the exhibitor. Select individuals made a connection with Cyn. Tim made a connection with Cyn. The censor held the position of the censor. Remy made a connection with the newcomer. The censor made a connection with the mentor. The censor saw from the perspective of the exhibitor. Justice made a connection with the censor. The exhibitor felt certain sympathy for the newcomer. The censor saw from the perspective of Charlie. The newcomer felt certain sympathy for the censor. Select individuals felt certain sympathy for the censor. It got much harder from there. She wrote exceptions. The censor (whom he understood) recalled a great deal. Justice (whom Cyn remembered) took in that Tim recalled something because Tim imagined exceptions. Charlie took in the other. The exhibitor grasped that the censor recalled that Remy recalled nothing, so they (whom Charlie took in) understood exceptions or he (whom she (whom the newcomer wrote) (whom the philosopher wrote) grasped) felt that Charlie felt the door, so Cyn (whom Charlie remembered) imagined that Em (whom Justice recalled) grasped that Remy contemplated perceptions because Charlie (whom she recalled) remembered the door. Em grasped memories. Em (whom the newcomer imagined) (whom they grasped) remembered something. She (whom select individuals (whom select individuals took in) (whom Remy remembered) grasped) understood memories. Cyn (whom the censor took in) remembered that Charlie (whom she wrote) felt her because the philosopher imagined the possible idea that he (whom the exhibitor imagined) imagined a lot. He remembered something. Tim contemplated a great deal. Justice (whom Tim (whom the exhibitor remembered) contemplated) contemplated him. Tim (whom Justice understood) (whom the philosopher imagined) (whom he (whom Charlie contemplated) (whom the newcomer grasped) (whom Tim remembered) (whom the mentor sensed) felt) felt the possible idea that she imagined that Charlie understood that Em imagined that she remembered her, so the philosopher (whom they grasped) (whom the censor remembered) felt that Em (whom Remy (whom Cyn (whom the mentor (whom they imagined) (whom Em sensed) took in) imagined) recalled) remembered memories and that the proposition “the philosopher understood that the exhibitor wrote memories because Remy grasped a lot” was possible, so he took in that the exhibitor wrote a bit, so he understood that the exhibitor and she (whom Em contemplated) (whom the philosopher contemplated) sensed existence. Remy contemplated a great deal. She (whom Tim (whom she recalled) grasped) (whom Justice (whom Cyn remembered) sensed) remembered them. The censor understood experiences. The exhibitor (whom she recalled) (whom the newcomer contemplated) (whom the newcomer (whom select individuals (whom the newcomer (whom Cyn (whom the newcomer (whom Em recalled) (whom the newcomer (whom the mentor took in) wrote) sensed) wrote) sensed) (whom the philosopher sensed) (whom she (whom he (whom the newcomer sensed) contemplated) (whom Justice felt) remembered) (whom he (whom Cyn imagined) (whom she (whom the exhibitor (whom the censor took in) wrote) felt) recalled) (whom the newcomer (whom she remembered) (whom the mentor (whom Remy wrote) (whom the newcomer remembered) (whom Cyn (whom Tim took in) (whom he took in) (whom Justice felt) imagined) grasped) understood) understood) imagined) grasped the room. The exhibitor (whom Remy wrote) sensed that the philosopher recalled that Remy imagined nothing, so Cyn grasped that Tim recalled something, so he wrote existence. Select individuals sensed that the mentor (whom Cyn (whom he recalled) (whom Charlie contemplated) recalled) (whom the mentor (whom select individuals (whom Cyn imagined) (whom the newcomer sensed) (whom the exhibitor took in) recalled) (whom Charlie remembered) imagined) wrote something and Tim sensed that the proposition “he took in something” was true. Tim (whom the newcomer grasped) (whom she recalled) grasped them. Charlie (whom select individuals remembered) understood the door. The newcomer wrote the room. The exhibitor (whom Remy (whom Tim (whom Cyn understood) recalled) contemplated) took in that Cyn felt him because he remembered existence. Justice (whom Charlie felt) (whom the exhibitor remembered) (whom she remembered) (whom Remy remembered) grasped that Tim and Em imagined that Remy understood that the proposition “Remy (whom Charlie (whom the censor took in) contemplated) imagined existence” was absurd and Remy contemplated a great deal. They contemplated that the proposition “they (whom the censor (whom Tim recalled) wrote) (whom the mentor (whom he (whom Justice contemplated) felt) took in) (whom they (whom select individuals understood) (whom the newcomer felt) (whom the newcomer took in) grasped) (whom they (whom Charlie contemplated) (whom Justice (whom the philosopher understood) (whom Cyn (whom Em (whom Charlie imagined) (whom the censor (whom Remy grasped) (whom Remy (whom Remy wrote) remembered) (whom the philosopher understood) imagined) recalled) (whom he wrote) (whom select individuals (whom the philosopher (whom Em (whom Justice (whom they understood) imagined) (whom the philosopher imagined) (whom the mentor (whom the philosopher (whom Remy understood) took in) (whom the philosopher (whom they (whom Em imagined) recalled) (whom the exhibitor took in) felt) (whom the censor imagined) (whom she imagined) felt) remembered) grasped) (whom Tim remembered) took in) (whom the exhibitor contemplated) sensed) (whom Tim felt) took in) (whom she understood) sensed) remembered experiences” was absurd. The exhibitor understood that the newcomer (whom she grasped) (whom the newcomer (whom Em sensed) recalled) imagined that Em (whom Remy felt) contemplated a lot because the mentor (whom the exhibitor felt) sensed a lot. She imagined nothing. She (whom Em wrote) (whom the mentor recalled) took in that Remy wrote that the newcomer (whom the mentor felt) understood that Em (whom Justice took in) (whom the censor (whom they felt) took in) (whom they understood) (whom select individuals contemplated) (whom Justice (whom he felt) felt) (whom Tim grasped) remembered something and memories because the newcomer (whom Tim wrote) (whom she imagined) (whom select individuals grasped) wrote him or the newcomer (whom the philosopher felt) (whom he (whom Charlie wrote) (whom the exhibitor remembered) took in) (whom Remy (whom the philosopher (whom Tim took in) (whom Justice (whom select individuals (whom Em (whom the mentor took in) (whom Tim felt) (whom he imagined) (whom Tim (whom the philosopher grasped) wrote) remembered) imagined) grasped) contemplated) (whom he (whom Remy took in) understood) recalled) contemplated them. The censor (whom Justice (whom he grasped) recalled) imagined that she grasped a bit, so the mentor (whom the censor felt) wrote that Charlie felt that Charlie took her in and existence. The newcomer (whom Charlie contemplated) (whom Tim (whom they recalled) (whom Justice felt) felt) (whom Remy grasped) (whom Tim felt) took her in. She (whom the newcomer recalled) took in the room. The newcomer (whom Cyn grasped) (whom she grasped) remembered that Tim contemplated that Justice recalled that select individuals (whom Remy (whom Remy took in) (whom Em imagined) wrote) contemplated that Tim understood something, so she (whom he (whom Charlie (whom Em (whom they took in) (whom Cyn took in) (whom Justice felt) (whom Tim felt) (whom the newcomer grasped) grasped) remembered) remembered) wrote something, so the censor felt the true idea that she (whom Justice felt) felt that Remy took in that they grasped that when the censor wrote the impossible idea that Tim (whom the philosopher (whom Charlie sensed) recalled) wrote that they remembered experiences and the true idea that the exhibitor imagined him it was false that Em understood a bit and Em felt her and that when Cyn recalled exceptions it was false that the censor (whom the philosopher contemplated) contemplated perceptions, so Charlie imagined nothing, so the censor (whom Remy recalled) (whom the newcomer wrote) (whom the philosopher wrote) (whom he wrote) (whom Remy imagined) felt existence. Select individuals sensed a great deal. The exhibitor wrote them. They (whom Em recalled) contemplated him. The censor (whom Cyn sensed) sensed the room. The exhibitor sensed the other. Tim (whom the censor (whom select individuals (whom he sensed) remembered) recalled) took in that the censor remembered a bit or select individuals remembered the true idea that he (whom the mentor took in) imagined him. Remy (whom he (whom he remembered) felt) imagined the room. The philosopher felt that the censor (whom select individuals felt) and the mentor sensed the possible idea that Tim (whom Charlie (whom Cyn imagined) sensed) grasped a bit. Charlie (whom he (whom the philosopher (whom the exhibitor sensed) wrote) (whom select individuals wrote) (whom Justice recalled) imagined) imagined experiences. The exhibitor grasped that Tim and Cyn contemplated that she (whom the censor recalled) and the censor took in existence. They (whom the censor felt) imagined a lot. Cyn (whom the exhibitor grasped) (whom Charlie wrote) felt a bit. Charlie (whom Remy (whom the censor grasped) (whom she (whom Charlie (whom Charlie (whom he took in) (whom the philosopher grasped) remembered) remembered) (whom the censor (whom she (whom the exhibitor recalled) (whom Remy (whom the mentor (whom the exhibitor contemplated) (whom Tim (whom select individuals (whom she (whom she took in) (whom they wrote) sensed) felt) contemplated) (whom Tim took in) (whom he (whom the newcomer (whom Justice recalled) (whom the exhibitor understood) (whom the newcomer felt) understood) took in) remembered) (whom the mentor imagined) grasped) contemplated) grasped) (whom select individuals felt) took in) (whom Remy took in) took in) felt that the proposition “Cyn recalled her” was absurd. They sensed that the exhibitor took in existence and they felt the true idea that the exhibitor sensed the room. The censor (whom the philosopher sensed) remembered the other. The mentor recalled that he grasped them and that the exhibitor grasped a lot or the censor recalled perceptions. Cyn grasped the other. They (whom Cyn (whom the censor (whom the exhibitor (whom the censor contemplated) (whom he (whom Justice understood) (whom the censor imagined) took in) understood) grasped) sensed) (whom Em contemplated) took in that the censor (whom Justice contemplated) (whom Em wrote) remembered them or select individuals (whom Tim remembered) imagined a lot. Cyn wrote nothing. She remembered that the proposition “they wrote that Cyn and Remy (whom the mentor (whom Em wrote) felt) (whom the newcomer wrote) sensed nothing” was true. The mentor (whom the philosopher remembered) (whom Cyn (whom Remy recalled) grasped) sensed them. He (whom Tim wrote) imagined experiences. Justice (whom the newcomer (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals contemplated) felt) grasped) understood experiences. They imagined that the mentor understood experiences, so they grasped that Tim (whom the censor (whom the philosopher (whom Charlie contemplated) recalled) sensed) (whom Charlie (whom the newcomer sensed) wrote) (whom Tim (whom Em grasped) imagined) imagined her and Justice (whom Justice took in) (whom Remy wrote) (whom Remy wrote) grasped that the philosopher (whom Justice grasped) sensed that the mentor and Tim took in a lot and select individuals imagined nothing. She took in that Em (whom the censor (whom Tim (whom the mentor recalled) understood) grasped) and Em (whom Remy (whom Em (whom the newcomer (whom Charlie grasped) (whom they (whom Tim understood) (whom the philosopher understood) (whom the exhibitor (whom Justice remembered) (whom Tim (whom the exhibitor contemplated) (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals (whom the exhibitor contemplated) recalled) wrote) grasped) felt) took in) grasped) (whom Justice (whom Em (whom the newcomer remembered) imagined) contemplated) sensed) contemplated) (whom the newcomer understood) imagined nothing. The philosopher contemplated a lot. The newcomer (whom Tim grasped) wrote him. She (whom she felt) (whom the philosopher contemplated) recalled experiences. The newcomer remembered nothing. They imagined that the proposition “the censor (whom Justice (whom they felt) imagined) (whom the censor felt) contemplated her” was true. The philosopher sensed that she took in a great deal and existence. Cyn (whom Cyn (whom Justice understood) (whom they (whom the censor (whom the exhibitor took in) imagined) (whom the censor sensed) (whom the philosopher (whom the mentor imagined) sensed) (whom Em contemplated) (whom Tim sensed) grasped) remembered) imagined that the proposition “they grasped that Charlie took in a bit or select individuals wrote that the proposition “the exhibitor (whom they grasped) contemplated perceptions” was absurd” was possible. Justice remembered existence. The philosopher contemplated that they (whom they (whom they (whom the censor contemplated) (whom Justice (whom the philosopher (whom Tim (whom Remy recalled) grasped) wrote) (whom Charlie recalled) (whom the censor (whom Cyn wrote) (whom Tim contemplated) felt) (whom the philosopher (whom Justice (whom Tim recalled) (whom the exhibitor understood) sensed) imagined) took in) sensed) wrote) remembered something or Charlie (whom Remy felt) (whom Justice imagined) understood that the mentor grasped that when they understood something it was false that the mentor (whom the censor wrote) understood that when Charlie wrote the possible idea that she contemplated her it was absurd that the philosopher (whom they grasped) remembered a lot, so select individuals imagined the other. Cyn contemplated the false idea that he grasped the door. The censor wrote something. She (whom Cyn (whom Charlie recalled) grasped) recalled that Tim sensed that select individuals understood something because select individuals sensed existence and the other. Charlie felt that the censor (whom the exhibitor remembered) contemplated her or Tim took in that Cyn (whom select individuals (whom the mentor understood) (whom Tim recalled) understood) sensed that select individuals recalled memories because the mentor (whom Remy (whom the philosopher contemplated) (whom Cyn (whom she (whom the mentor imagined) sensed) (whom select individuals (whom Remy (whom Em remembered) wrote) (whom Charlie grasped) wrote) (whom the censor imagined) wrote) wrote) remembered nothing. She recalled that the philosopher contemplated her and that Justice (whom Tim sensed) (whom Charlie (whom they (whom the mentor (whom he remembered) took in) (whom he (whom Em (whom Tim (whom she felt) (whom Justice (whom Charlie understood) imagined) grasped) imagined) took in) understood) recalled) (whom the censor sensed) contemplated the room, so the exhibitor (whom the mentor (whom Justice wrote) (whom Charlie wrote) (whom they remembered) (whom the philosopher recalled) grasped) grasped the door. She (whom the exhibitor (whom he felt) (whom the exhibitor imagined) (whom the philosopher (whom she (whom the newcomer grasped) (whom he imagined) (whom Justice (whom the mentor sensed) sensed) remembered) felt) grasped) understood experiences. The censor (whom the exhibitor sensed) (whom they (whom Charlie took in) took in) (whom she wrote) sensed the true idea that she (whom Charlie contemplated) imagined a great deal. Select individuals remembered experiences. She felt existence. Tim (whom the mentor imagined) felt exceptions. He felt that the mentor understood the other. The mentor grasped perceptions. They contemplated that the exhibitor felt existence and the censor remembered that they (whom Remy (whom Justice remembered) (whom Justice (whom select individuals grasped) sensed) contemplated) (whom Em recalled) and Em (whom Charlie felt) felt that he (whom Justice wrote) sensed memories or Justice imagined that the proposition “Remy (whom the philosopher (whom she (whom the mentor (whom Tim remembered) recalled) (whom she sensed) (whom the censor took in) (whom Em remembered) recalled) (whom he (whom Remy understood) sensed) (whom Charlie sensed) felt) contemplated existence” was true. They recalled that the censor wrote that the censor (whom he (whom the censor sensed) (whom the mentor (whom Tim felt) contemplated) took in) and Tim (whom Remy (whom the exhibitor (whom Cyn recalled) (whom the censor (whom the mentor (whom the philosopher (whom the exhibitor recalled) took in) grasped) grasped) (whom Tim wrote) (whom the exhibitor took in) recalled) imagined) contemplated a bit, so Cyn recalled him. The mentor (whom he recalled) contemplated him. He (whom he grasped) felt experiences. Tim (whom he sensed) (whom Remy sensed) (whom she recalled) (whom she imagined) (whom they sensed) (whom she recalled) (whom Cyn (whom the censor felt) wrote) (whom select individuals (whom the mentor (whom Remy (whom the mentor (whom the philosopher understood) recalled) felt) grasped) remembered) imagined them. Select individuals took him in. Em (whom the newcomer recalled) grasped the door. The newcomer wrote that the proposition “Em (whom the newcomer (whom the newcomer wrote) understood) recalled that Remy (whom Tim (whom Em (whom Em (whom Cyn (whom the philosopher imagined) (whom Justice (whom the mentor contemplated) (whom the censor recalled) felt) understood) (whom they contemplated) (whom Justice grasped) (whom Em (whom she remembered) felt) (whom the newcomer recalled) wrote) felt) understood) remembered that Tim (whom the exhibitor wrote) sensed experiences or they (whom Remy sensed) wrote perceptions and nothing” was impossible. The censor (whom the newcomer (whom the exhibitor (whom the mentor (whom Em remembered) understood) (whom the mentor remembered) (whom Tim (whom Remy understood) recalled) remembered) contemplated) sensed the room. They (whom select individuals took in) (whom Em (whom they imagined) (whom the philosopher (whom Em wrote) imagined) remembered) (whom he contemplated) remembered perceptions. Justice (whom Charlie (whom Em (whom Em (whom she understood) (whom the newcomer imagined) understood) (whom the exhibitor imagined) (whom Em sensed) (whom select individuals contemplated) understood) imagined) took in that the proposition “she grasped the other” was absurd. Em (whom she (whom Cyn imagined) (whom they (whom the newcomer contemplated) (whom Justice imagined) contemplated) took in) wrote that Charlie (whom the philosopher took in) (whom the philosopher (whom Justice (whom Remy took in) felt) understood) contemplated that Justice (whom select individuals sensed) (whom the newcomer understood) contemplated her and Charlie grasped the absurd idea that the exhibitor understood the door and the censor (whom select individuals (whom she (whom Tim (whom he imagined) took in) grasped) (whom Justice sensed) (whom select individuals (whom Justice took in) sensed) (whom the philosopher (whom Cyn contemplated) contemplated) wrote) recalled the room. Charlie grasped perceptions. She recalled a great deal. Em recalled the other. Select individuals understood that he and Charlie took in existence. The censor (whom select individuals (whom Cyn (whom select individuals (whom Tim recalled) remembered) imagined) felt) recalled them. She remembered him. He took in that the proposition “the censor (whom select individuals sensed) (whom Tim imagined) (whom Remy took in) recalled that Charlie (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom he (whom select individuals (whom Tim imagined) felt) sensed) (whom the mentor recalled) grasped) contemplated) (whom Justice (whom the philosopher (whom Tim (whom Charlie (whom she contemplated) (whom the philosopher (whom the newcomer grasped) sensed) (whom the censor (whom the mentor understood) contemplated) wrote) (whom they (whom the mentor (whom Em recalled) (whom he grasped) understood) took in) (whom the philosopher remembered) wrote) contemplated) grasped) (whom Charlie (whom the exhibitor imagined) felt) (whom Remy (whom Justice (whom the exhibitor (whom Em grasped) contemplated) imagined) (whom the philosopher grasped) (whom they (whom the newcomer contemplated) (whom Em remembered) contemplated) (whom she (whom the philosopher understood) imagined) (whom Justice wrote) (whom Justice grasped) imagined) and the philosopher (whom the newcomer (whom the censor (whom the censor (whom the philosopher understood) (whom the censor contemplated) wrote) (whom select individuals took in) understood) (whom the philosopher (whom the exhibitor felt) (whom he sensed) (whom they (whom she imagined) felt) contemplated) (whom they remembered) sensed) recalled that Cyn (whom he imagined) grasped him and Justice understood the room” was impossible. She (whom select individuals imagined) (whom the newcomer remembered) (whom the mentor (whom Justice (whom Justice took in) (whom the newcomer (whom the philosopher contemplated) remembered) (whom Em took in) remembered) (whom Justice (whom Remy grasped) sensed) wrote) (whom Justice (whom they wrote) understood) (whom Justice (whom Tim contemplated) sensed) (whom she remembered) sensed the room. The newcomer (whom Cyn (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals grasped) (whom they grasped) (whom Remy (whom she (whom Charlie grasped) understood) (whom the censor (whom Cyn recalled) (whom Tim contemplated) recalled) (whom Cyn (whom she recalled) (whom Cyn (whom she (whom the exhibitor wrote) (whom the exhibitor took in) took in) sensed) (whom the newcomer (whom Em (whom they (whom the exhibitor (whom Justice (whom Charlie understood) (whom Tim (whom the philosopher understood) (whom the mentor (whom Tim grasped) imagined) (whom Remy (whom Em (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals (whom the philosopher (whom the exhibitor sensed) contemplated) (whom select individuals sensed) wrote) felt) (whom the mentor (whom he wrote) (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom Em wrote) grasped) imagined) (whom the censor (whom Charlie (whom they felt) (whom Remy (whom the philosopher (whom she (whom the censor felt) remembered) imagined) (whom the mentor took in) imagined) imagined) (whom the newcomer (whom the newcomer felt) took in) (whom Remy recalled) took in) understood) wrote) understood) sensed) contemplated) (whom the mentor wrote) remembered) (whom the exhibitor (whom they remembered) grasped) imagined) remembered) understood) sensed) (whom the mentor imagined) (whom Cyn remembered) (whom Justice (whom the exhibitor (whom Tim grasped) (whom the exhibitor (whom Justice remembered) (whom Remy imagined) (whom the mentor understood) (whom Remy sensed) (whom Charlie remembered) imagined) took in) contemplated) (whom the censor (whom Em wrote) felt) (whom the censor understood) wrote) (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom he remembered) imagined) understood) grasped) understood) grasped that they (whom Tim (whom the philosopher took in) contemplated) grasped that the exhibitor (whom they (whom the newcomer wrote) (whom the censor (whom Justice (whom they took in) felt) (whom Em sensed) (whom select individuals took in) took in) grasped) recalled that Charlie (whom Cyn sensed) imagined a bit and the door and that Em (whom the exhibitor took in) recalled that when the philosopher grasped that Tim (whom Justice (whom Justice recalled) grasped) imagined existence and a great deal it was possible that the newcomer (whom the exhibitor (whom the newcomer imagined) remembered) recalled that Charlie (whom she sensed) felt that the mentor understood perceptions because Tim (whom Cyn recalled) (whom she (whom he remembered) grasped) grasped the door and the newcomer sensed that they and select individuals understood a great deal and the door. Remy (whom Tim (whom Tim (whom they recalled) (whom he (whom Tim understood) wrote) remembered) remembered) (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom Charlie felt) (whom the censor (whom Em contemplated) grasped) took in) (whom she (whom select individuals (whom Tim imagined) understood) recalled) (whom Justice (whom the newcomer imagined) (whom the philosopher grasped) understood) recalled) imagined a great deal. Cyn recalled something. Remy (whom Cyn contemplated) (whom Em (whom she (whom Tim grasped) (whom the exhibitor recalled) (whom the censor (whom select individuals (whom Em (whom the censor (whom the exhibitor remembered) recalled) (whom Em (whom she (whom Em wrote) felt) (whom the exhibitor grasped) imagined) (whom the exhibitor imagined) recalled) grasped) (whom Tim sensed) felt) sensed) contemplated) grasped them. The exhibitor imagined experiences. Justice felt a bit. The censor remembered that Justice (whom the philosopher imagined) and Remy felt that Cyn understood them because they contemplated the impossible idea that Justice (whom Charlie grasped) took in that they grasped perceptions and exceptions. He took in the room. The mentor (whom they (whom the censor (whom the mentor remembered) (whom the mentor understood) understood) (whom the mentor felt) understood) contemplated that when Cyn imagined the door it was false that the censor (whom Cyn remembered) (whom the mentor grasped) understood that the mentor (whom the censor recalled) and Em took in the room. Em (whom the mentor (whom Tim imagined) (whom they remembered) (whom Cyn sensed) (whom Tim grasped) understood) felt that the mentor grasped her and the other. The newcomer took in nothing. They grasped that the proposition “Tim understood the door” was absurd. She felt nothing. He wrote that the proposition “the censor (whom she (whom Em imagined) remembered) (whom she grasped) wrote the other” was impossible. Charlie sensed nothing. They (whom the mentor took in) took in memories. Em took in the true idea that Charlie remembered a bit. The censor understood him. The mentor (whom Tim (whom the mentor imagined) (whom Em took in) took in) (whom she grasped) sensed that the philosopher (whom the newcomer (whom Remy understood) (whom Em (whom Charlie took in) recalled) (whom Em (whom select individuals took in) imagined) (whom Tim contemplated) (whom she (whom the philosopher sensed) took in) (whom Charlie took in) contemplated) wrote that the philosopher remembered the door and the door because the censor grasped that Charlie (whom the censor (whom they imagined) wrote) grasped perceptions. He (whom the censor remembered) took in memories. Select individuals imagined nothing. Em (whom Remy (whom Em (whom the philosopher (whom Justice sensed) wrote) (whom the philosopher took in) (whom the mentor (whom Remy (whom Em (whom Charlie (whom Tim (whom Charlie (whom he wrote) recalled) understood) (whom he contemplated) imagined) wrote) wrote) wrote) (whom the censor (whom they contemplated) contemplated) (whom the philosopher (whom the philosopher wrote) remembered) recalled) imagined) recalled that Em felt exceptions and a lot. The censor felt exceptions. The exhibitor contemplated exceptions. He understood that Em contemplated the other, so Em contemplated something. Tim (whom Charlie wrote) (whom the censor contemplated) sensed that Justice contemplated that the mentor (whom the mentor (whom the censor (whom the mentor imagined) recalled) (whom the exhibitor felt) remembered) (whom the philosopher wrote) contemplated exceptions and that the censor remembered existence and them and a lot. He (whom Remy recalled) recalled that when he contemplated that the exhibitor sensed that she (whom he contemplated) and Cyn took in that Remy grasped that the newcomer felt perceptions, so they understood him because he felt exceptions it was impossible that the newcomer (whom Tim (whom the newcomer imagined) wrote) understood that the exhibitor (whom the censor (whom Remy grasped) contemplated) took in existence because Cyn wrote exceptions. The newcomer recalled that he (whom Justice (whom Charlie (whom Cyn contemplated) recalled) (whom Charlie sensed) remembered) (whom the exhibitor (whom the philosopher understood) (whom the exhibitor (whom she recalled) (whom Cyn (whom she (whom Cyn (whom Justice understood) recalled) (whom Em sensed) (whom Em took in) (whom the newcomer (whom they (whom the mentor grasped) remembered) wrote) (whom Cyn (whom the exhibitor (whom the philosopher felt) imagined) felt) grasped) (whom Em sensed) (whom the mentor felt) wrote) (whom the mentor imagined) felt) grasped) and they took in the door. They remembered the other. Something cracked. He recalled the door? The philosopher sensed a great deal. Justice (whom Justice wrote) (whom Em (whom the censor contemplated) felt) imagined that the philosopher contemplated that the proposition “Cyn (whom the censor remembered) (whom Remy (whom she felt) remembered) sensed that the exhibitor sensed memories” was possible and that Justice felt the impossible idea that Tim remembered the door or Remy felt them. The philosopher recalled that the newcomer understood that the proposition “Justice (whom Charlie wrote) understood experiences” was absurd and him. Em (whom Justice sensed) (whom select individuals recalled) remembered exceptions. The exhibitor (whom the philosopher recalled) imagined that Justice remembered her and they remembered nothing mhm. Select individuals recalled a bit no more. The censor understood that when she recalled that the mentor and she (whom he took in) sensed that the newcomer understood that when Remy (whom the philosopher felt) imagined experiences it was false that Em sensed that Remy imagined that the censor sensed the room and she (whom Cyn imagined) (whom the censor (whom Justice (whom the philosopher (whom Em (whom the mentor grasped) (whom Charlie grasped) grasped) (whom he sensed) (whom the censor took in) took in) understood) (whom Em (whom the philosopher imagined) (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom they (whom they understood) (whom the mentor (whom Em recalled) (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals contemplated) imagined) understood) (whom he (whom they grasped) (whom Remy (whom Justice felt) recalled) grasped) (whom she grasped) took in) took in) (whom Cyn took in) (whom Tim understood) (whom they (whom they took in) wrote) remembered) took in) (whom the newcomer (whom Remy took in) imagined) (whom select individuals grasped) contemplated) imagined that the philosopher felt a bit, so the newcomer (whom Justice recalled) sensed memories and the newcomer felt that Charlie (whom Tim grasped) understood them and something it was possible that Remy understood perceptions again. The philosopher (whom Em imagined) felt that the exhibitor took in that Justice sensed the door and he (whom the philosopher (whom they imagined) felt) imagined that they (whom Remy (whom Tim (whom the censor felt) (whom Remy (whom Tim (whom the exhibitor (whom Em felt) felt) (whom select individuals (whom Charlie (whom they (whom she contemplated) sensed) recalled) imagined) (whom Justice wrote) (whom select individuals contemplated) sensed) felt) (whom Em (whom the mentor understood) grasped) took in) took in) contemplated that the mentor (whom the exhibitor wrote) felt that Justice understood that the proposition “Justice (whom Tim took in) (whom Em (whom Charlie recalled) felt) (whom they (whom Charlie understood) (whom the censor sensed) (whom Em remembered) (whom Charlie understood) (whom Remy sensed) felt) sensed nothing” was absurd or Justice (whom Remy imagined) (whom select individuals (whom Cyn sensed) (whom Em recalled) grasped) (whom Em sensed) sensed perceptions because Cyn (whom he wrote) felt exceptions because Em wrote a lot because they (whom the philosopher (whom Em took in) (whom Justice remembered) (whom Tim sensed) understood) grasped exceptions no more. They grasped experiences. The philosopher contemplated them. Charlie (whom the censor grasped) imagined existence. The exhibitor grasped that Cyn and the mentor felt nothing. Select individuals felt that select individuals (whom select individuals took in) (whom they contemplated) and the philosopher (whom he sensed) (whom they (whom Remy sensed) (whom the censor (whom Cyn sensed) (whom the philosopher (whom Tim (whom she (whom Cyn (whom Justice contemplated) understood) took in) contemplated) understood) (whom he felt) took in) (whom Cyn wrote) (whom they (whom Charlie took in) felt) (whom the mentor (whom Justice grasped) took in) (whom Remy sensed) imagined) (whom the newcomer (whom she contemplated) (whom he (whom he took in) (whom Em sensed) took in) recalled) sensed something. The censor wrote something. Tim wrote nothing. Select individuals understood exceptions. Cyn (whom Tim understood) (whom the newcomer felt) (whom select individuals sensed) (whom the philosopher took in) (whom Charlie imagined) felt perceptions no more. Justice sensed existence? He (whom he (whom Justice (whom Cyn recalled) contemplated) (whom they (whom the newcomer wrote) (whom Remy (whom she (whom the exhibitor remembered) sensed) (whom Tim (whom they sensed) grasped) (whom select individuals understood) remembered) sensed) (whom Charlie sensed) felt) (whom Remy (whom he took in) understood) recalled memories. They (whom he wrote) felt the other. Tim (whom the exhibitor (whom they wrote) contemplated) (whom they felt) imagined something. He took in memories. The censor wrote a lot. The censor (whom Tim recalled) wrote the possible idea that Charlie remembered nothing again. They imagined that Em contemplated the possible idea that Cyn (whom the exhibitor (whom the exhibitor contemplated) imagined) contemplated existence because select individuals grasped exceptions. Remy (whom she (whom Remy (whom he took in) (whom the mentor took in) understood) (whom Em (whom Tim (whom she (whom he wrote) wrote) (whom the philosopher contemplated) (whom Remy wrote) (whom Justice felt) felt) (whom Cyn (whom Tim remembered) (whom Cyn grasped) understood) recalled) (whom she (whom they understood) (whom Justice felt) imagined) (whom Tim (whom she (whom the newcomer (whom Justice understood) felt) felt) remembered) recalled) (whom Remy imagined) (whom he (whom Cyn took in) grasped) contemplated that Justice (whom Charlie (whom the newcomer wrote) contemplated) remembered the impossible idea that the newcomer took him in or the mentor took in experiences. Cyn took in the room. The mentor understood perceptions mhm. He (whom he sensed) (whom Remy (whom Charlie (whom the philosopher (whom Remy (whom the exhibitor (whom select individuals remembered) understood) (whom the newcomer (whom Justice (whom she remembered) sensed) remembered) (whom Justice (whom the newcomer sensed) grasped) felt) understood) (whom the newcomer wrote) felt) (whom Justice (whom Justice contemplated) grasped) (whom they understood) (whom Cyn took in) wrote) remembered them. Em sensed that select individuals and select individuals (whom she (whom she (whom the philosopher remembered) recalled) (whom the mentor took in) (whom they (whom Em (whom the exhibitor (whom the philosopher grasped) (whom they contemplated) wrote) took in) imagined) (whom he (whom Em (whom the censor remembered) wrote) (whom he (whom the philosopher wrote) contemplated) (whom the mentor took in) grasped) contemplated) (whom the mentor understood) grasped that the proposition “Em grasped exceptions” was absurd. Cyn felt that the philosopher grasped a bit, so the mentor (whom the censor (whom Charlie (whom Remy (whom they (whom they (whom Em (whom he grasped) sensed) (whom they felt) (whom the mentor imagined) (whom she wrote) grasped) (whom the philosopher sensed) (whom the philosopher (whom the philosopher recalled) sensed) grasped) felt) (whom Charlie (whom the newcomer (whom the newcomer contemplated) remembered) (whom she (whom they (whom Justice understood) sensed) imagined) wrote) (whom Tim (whom she took in) felt) grasped) (whom Cyn (whom select individuals remembered) felt) (whom the mentor (whom the mentor (whom they (whom he (whom the newcomer (whom Tim (whom Em recalled) took in) (whom Cyn understood) imagined) grasped) recalled) felt) understood) (whom the newcomer (whom they (whom select individuals (whom she grasped) (whom select individuals (whom he (whom the mentor (whom Justice (whom the mentor understood) wrote) (whom Justice remembered) (whom Charlie (whom select individuals grasped) recalled) (whom Charlie recalled) imagined) remembered) understood) (whom the philosopher took in) (whom Em (whom Remy imagined) sensed) understood) (whom he remembered) wrote) took in) remembered) (whom select individuals imagined) recalled that she (whom Tim understood) contemplated her, so the mentor remembered memories. Charlie (whom he wrote) recalled her. Select individuals (whom the censor (whom the philosopher (whom the exhibitor (whom the censor (whom Charlie (whom Justice grasped) (whom the exhibitor contemplated) took in) grasped) (whom Cyn sensed) understood) imagined) grasped) contemplated existence mhm. Justice contemplated the other. Charlie (whom Tim (whom select individuals recalled) sensed) contemplated the true idea that she took in the door. The mentor felt a great deal mhm. Remy (whom Charlie recalled) (whom the exhibitor (whom the censor (whom Cyn imagined) contemplated) wrote) understood the room. The newcomer felt nothing. Cyn (whom Cyn (whom the censor imagined) wrote) grasped exceptions. They remembered that when she sensed experiences it was true that Remy grasped a bit. The philosopher sensed a bit. The censor (whom the newcomer (whom the mentor contemplated) (whom the censor recalled) (whom Em grasped) (whom Tim (whom the newcomer (whom Justice imagined) wrote) understood) wrote) (whom select individuals (whom Charlie understood) recalled) imagined that they and he (whom Charlie (whom Em (whom Remy took in) took in) (whom the philosopher felt) felt) (whom he (whom he wrote) (whom Justice sensed) remembered) (whom the newcomer (whom Remy (whom Remy grasped) (whom select individuals took in) (whom Charlie (whom she recalled) (whom he (whom the censor (whom Charlie contemplated) sensed) imagined) understood) (whom Em remembered) (whom the newcomer wrote) (whom the newcomer (whom Remy (whom Justice sensed) remembered) (whom they understood) (whom Tim (whom Remy understood) took in) sensed) (whom select individuals (whom select individuals imagined) felt) (whom Em sensed) (whom Remy sensed) took in) (whom Cyn (whom Remy (whom the newcomer took in) took in) wrote) wrote) (whom the philosopher contemplated) felt that Remy (whom the exhibitor remembered) grasped the room. Cyn (whom he sensed) took in nothing. They (whom Tim wrote) sensed that Remy took in a lot. She imagined that the exhibitor (whom they contemplated) (whom Cyn (whom the philosopher sensed) recalled) felt the room and she remembered that the proposition “the newcomer felt the other” was false. Em (whom the newcomer (whom Remy wrote) recalled) felt a great deal. She imagined that when Tim sensed that the newcomer recalled the door and the censor recalled nothing it was impossible that Remy imagined that when the philosopher (whom the censor felt) grasped them it was true that he imagined existence. The mentor understood a bit. Justice contemplated something. Em took in that the philosopher (whom Em (whom Cyn (whom the philosopher wrote) understood) remembered) grasped a bit or Cyn (whom Justice imagined) sensed that Tim and they (whom select individuals (whom the censor grasped) (whom he (whom Justice (whom the philosopher (whom they (whom the mentor understood) (whom they sensed) (whom he understood) (whom she (whom Justice understood) (whom select individuals grasped) (whom he imagined) recalled) contemplated) (whom the newcomer (whom the mentor (whom the newcomer (whom Justice grasped) felt) sensed) recalled) (whom Cyn (whom Remy contemplated) understood) sensed) remembered) wrote) (whom the mentor contemplated) wrote) sensed existence. The censor (whom Cyn understood) took in nothing. The mentor wrote that the censor wrote that he remembered that Em (whom Cyn recalled) (whom the mentor grasped) (whom the mentor (whom Em grasped) (whom the exhibitor recalled) (whom Tim recalled) (whom Justice understood) (whom the mentor (whom select individuals imagined) (whom the newcomer (whom the philosopher sensed) sensed) (whom Em remembered) remembered) remembered) remembered that Charlie imagined that Em (whom the exhibitor took in) understood that the proposition “Remy contemplated experiences” was impossible or the exhibitor remembered something because he recalled him, so the mentor felt memories. Cyn felt that when he wrote him it was possible that Cyn felt that Cyn grasped the other because the censor (whom the philosopher (whom Em contemplated) understood) contemplated perceptions. The exhibitor sensed that the newcomer sensed a bit and Charlie remembered that when Cyn remembered that Justice and Cyn (whom the censor imagined) felt nothing it was absurd that the exhibitor (whom the censor wrote) (whom select individuals (whom the philosopher recalled) (whom the mentor contemplated) recalled) (whom Cyn (whom Tim remembered) contemplated) recalled a bit no more. He recalled that Justice took him in, so they (whom the newcomer remembered) wrote that Em (whom the mentor understood) (whom Em (whom they felt) (whom the mentor grasped) remembered) (whom Tim (whom the mentor (whom select individuals (whom the mentor remembered) (whom the philosopher (whom the censor (whom the mentor felt) (whom the censor took in) understood) imagined) (whom Cyn understood) grasped) imagined) remembered) contemplated that select individuals wrote nothing and the newcomer contemplated them or select individuals imagined nothing. The exhibitor recalled that when Em (whom he wrote) (whom Remy (whom Remy (whom the censor (whom the censor (whom the mentor (whom the censor (whom the newcomer grasped) (whom the newcomer recalled) took in) (whom the mentor (whom the newcomer sensed) (whom they imagined) grasped) understood) (whom Cyn (whom the newcomer remembered) imagined) imagined) (whom the censor wrote) (whom the mentor understood) remembered) (whom the newcomer (whom the newcomer imagined) (whom she took in) grasped) sensed) grasped) (whom the newcomer (whom Cyn (whom select individuals (whom Em (whom the censor remembered) sensed) (whom the exhibitor understood) recalled) understood) remembered) felt memories it was impossible that Tim (whom select individuals (whom he (whom Cyn (whom the exhibitor (whom the exhibitor understood) (whom she (whom Charlie wrote) grasped) felt) wrote) (whom she (whom the exhibitor took in) felt) grasped) (whom the philosopher (whom the newcomer took in) took in) recalled) recalled exceptions. Charlie grasped exceptions? They (whom the censor (whom the philosopher (whom the newcomer (whom Em contemplated) (whom select individuals (whom she imagined) (whom the exhibitor took in) wrote) (whom the mentor (whom Justice (whom Justice took in) sensed) (whom Cyn (whom Justice (whom select individuals contemplated) felt) (whom select individuals felt) contemplated) (whom Charlie sensed) remembered) wrote) took in) (whom the philosopher (whom Cyn contemplated) sensed) wrote) sensed that the censor (whom the exhibitor (whom Justice remembered) sensed) wrote that Em sensed them and she imagined that the mentor and the exhibitor sensed the door, so Em imagined him. Justice felt that she contemplated exceptions. The newcomer sensed existence. They wrote experiences. The censor sensed the room. He (whom the philosopher contemplated) understood this code: #!/usr/bin/perl print "# Golem\n\n## Golem"; use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = 72; open($filehandle, '<', $0) or die $!; @code = <$filehandle>; close($filehandle); $program = join('', @code); $program =~ s/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/g; $program =~ s/Nick Montfort/Golem/; @people = ("Justice", "Charlie", "Cyn", "Em", "Remy", "Tim", "the newcomer", "the mentor", "the censor", "the philosopher", "the exhibitor", "select individuals"); @subject = @people; push @subject, ("he", "she", "they"); @verb = ("understood", "felt", "sensed", "imagined", "recalled", "remembered", "grasped", "contemplated", "wrote", "took in"); @object = ("nothing", "a bit", "something", "a lot", "a great deal", "experiences", "memories", "existence", "perceptions", "exceptions", "him", "her", "them", "the other", "the room", "the door"); @adjective = ("absurd", "impossible", "possible", "false", "true"); $expansion = "SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT"; sub Expand { $_ = pop; s/([ “])CLAUSE/$1$expansion/g; s/(T|B)_/$1 /g; s/SUBJECT\s/$subject[rand @subject] /g; while (/[ “]SUBJECT/) { Expand($_) }; s/VERB\s/$verb[rand @verb] /g; s/\sOBJECT/ $object[rand @object]/g; s/\sINDIRECT/thanks to $people[rand @people]/g; s/ in (him|her|them)/ $1 in/g; s/\sADJECTIVE/ $adjective[rand @adjective]/g; if (/[ “]CLAUSE/) { Expand($_) }; s/^ //; } sub Sentences { $_ = shift; if ( length ) { print "\n\n* * *\n\n" . $_ . "\n\n"; } $end = shift; for ( $i=shift; $i<=$end; $i=$i+1 ) { for ( $j=1; $j<=2**$i; $j=$j+1 ) { Expand(" " . "CLAUSE. "); if ((scalar @_ > 0) and (rand 10 < 2)) { s/\. $/$_[rand @_]/; } print ucfirst; } print "\n\n"; } } Sentences(("It was easy at first.", 6, 0)); $expansion = $expansion . "_thanks to the newcomer"; Sentences(("Each helped the other.", 6, 0)); $expansion =~ s/_ .*//; push @object, ("that select individuals (whom the newcomer (whom Charlie sensed) (whom select individuals remembered) (whom the newcomer (whom the newcomer recalled) (whom the exhibitor recalled) (whom Charlie (whom Em sensed) contemplated) imagined) contemplated) grasped that he and Tim took in a great deal because Charlie (whom the mentor (whom he (whom Justice (whom she grasped) (whom the exhibitor recalled) grasped) (whom they grasped) contemplated) sensed) grasped that the censor wrote exceptions because Em (whom Em (whom he recalled) (whom Charlie took in) imagined) (whom she (whom the mentor grasped) (whom Remy took in) remembered) (whom they took in) (whom he understood) imagined that Remy (whom select individuals (whom the philosopher imagined) sensed) wrote him because Cyn grasped the false idea that Tim recalled them", "that the mentor felt existence or Justice contemplated that she contemplated that Remy (whom select individuals (whom Charlie (whom the censor contemplated) (whom the censor felt) (whom Justice recalled) grasped) (whom she remembered) understood) (whom Charlie understood) (whom the exhibitor (whom the mentor understood) contemplated) and the newcomer sensed him because the newcomer (whom the mentor (whom Remy understood) understood) (whom he contemplated) remembered a bit", "that he (whom Em recalled) (whom the exhibitor (whom he (whom the mentor (whom Charlie (whom Charlie (whom she recalled) felt) (whom they understood) (whom the mentor wrote) grasped) took in) sensed) (whom Cyn remembered) (whom the exhibitor (whom Charlie (whom the mentor contemplated) sensed) (whom the mentor grasped) (whom they sensed) (whom she understood) took in) understood) wrote a lot and Charlie (whom he (whom she took in) imagined) (whom Cyn contemplated) wrote her", "that the philosopher contemplated a lot, so select individuals understood her", "that the newcomer imagined the room"); Sentences(("Then, it wasn’t so easy.", 7, 0)); push @object, ("that the proposition “the exhibitor (whom they felt) felt a bit” was possible", "that when the philosopher recalled exceptions it was true that Cyn recalled that they (whom select individuals wrote) (whom the exhibitor (whom the philosopher grasped) (whom he took in) (whom the mentor wrote) felt) remembered that the exhibitor recalled that Cyn wrote that Justice felt that the mentor (whom Tim (whom select individuals imagined) felt) (whom they (whom they (whom Em wrote) (whom the exhibitor (whom the newcomer remembered) remembered) understood) (whom the philosopher recalled) (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom they (whom he understood) wrote) (whom the newcomer took in) grasped) imagined) took in) felt the door because Cyn wrote memories, so Em sensed a lot or Cyn sensed nothing and Cyn remembered something or they contemplated something", "the true idea that the philosopher (whom Charlie (whom she took in) sensed) remembered them"); Sentences(("It seemed barely possible.", 6, 0)); @temp_object = @object; @temp_verb = @verb; @temp_subject = @subject; @subject = @people; @object = @people; @verb = ("made a connection with", "felt certain sympathy for", "saw from the perspective of", "held the position of"); Sentences(("Then, a different moment.", 6, 0)); @object = @temp_object; @verb = @temp_verb; @subject = @temp_subject; foreach (@verb) { push @subject, "the newcomer (whom he (whom they (whom the mentor imagined) wrote) $_)"; } push @object, ("that she (whom select individuals imagined) (whom Cyn wrote) (whom he contemplated) (whom the philosopher felt) (whom the exhibitor (whom select individuals (whom Charlie (whom they (whom select individuals grasped) (whom she remembered) grasped) contemplated) sensed) imagined) and he (whom the philosopher (whom Charlie recalled) recalled) (whom Justice (whom the exhibitor contemplated) wrote) sensed her", "that Cyn grasped the room and a bit"); Sentences(("It got much harder from there.", 6, 0)); @object = @temp_object; @verb = @temp_verb; @subject = @temp_subject; foreach (@verb) { push @subject, "Tim (whom Justice sensed) (whom the exhibitor sensed) (whom the censor remembered) (whom Charlie $_)"; } push @object, ("that Justice and Em contemplated that the proposition “the censor (whom the censor recalled) imagined perceptions” was absurd", "that Justice (whom the newcomer (whom the censor (whom the newcomer (whom Tim grasped) wrote) (whom they wrote) (whom the newcomer grasped) (whom he took in) felt) wrote) (whom Cyn felt) (whom the mentor (whom the censor understood) grasped) felt the door and that the censor imagined exceptions or Em took in that Cyn (whom they (whom select individuals recalled) contemplated) (whom Justice wrote) (whom Cyn recalled) recalled a lot or Tim (whom Tim (whom the mentor understood) remembered) (whom they understood) contemplated that the proposition “he (whom the newcomer remembered) recalled that the newcomer felt exceptions, so the newcomer (whom Justice imagined) (whom the mentor imagined) (whom Justice took in) remembered the door” was impossible"); Sentences(("Something cracked.", 5, 0, (" no more. ", "? ", " again. ", " mhm. "))); @prefix = ('Meanwhile, ', ''); for ( $k=0; $k<=1; $k=$k+1 ) { Expand("select individuals (whom they wrote) contemplated this code:\n\n```\n \n" . $program); s/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/g; $_ = ucfirst((pop @prefix) . $_); print wrap('', '', $_) . "\n \n```\n\n"; } Sentences(("", 6, 6, " evidently. ", " somehow. ")); foreach (@verb) { pop @subject; } @object = ("nothing"); Sentences(("Finally, all was simple again.", 6, 0, ". At all. ")); print "At all.\n"; Meanwhile, Charlie (whom select individuals felt) wrote this code: #!/usr/bin/perl print "# Golem\n\n## Golem"; use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = 72; open($filehandle, '<', $0) or die $!; @code = <$filehandle>; close($filehandle); $program = join('', @code); $program =~ s/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/g; $program =~ s/Nick Montfort/Golem/; @people = ("Justice", "Charlie", "Cyn", "Em", "Remy", "Tim", "the newcomer", "the mentor", "the censor", "the philosopher", "the exhibitor", "select individuals"); @subject = @people; push @subject, ("he", "she", "they"); @verb = ("understood", "felt", "sensed", "imagined", "recalled", "remembered", "grasped", "contemplated", "wrote", "took in"); @object = ("nothing", "a bit", "something", "a lot", "a great deal", "experiences", "memories", "existence", "perceptions", "exceptions", "him", "her", "them", "the other", "the room", "the door"); @adjective = ("absurd", "impossible", "possible", "false", "true"); $expansion = "SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT"; sub Expand { $_ = pop; s/([ “])CLAUSE/$1$expansion/g; s/(T|B)_/$1 /g; s/SUBJECT\s/$subject[rand @subject] /g; while (/[ “]SUBJECT/) { Expand($_) }; s/VERB\s/$verb[rand @verb] /g; s/\sOBJECT/ $object[rand @object]/g; s/\sINDIRECT/thanks to $people[rand @people]/g; s/ in (him|her|them)/ $1 in/g; s/\sADJECTIVE/ $adjective[rand @adjective]/g; if (/[ “]CLAUSE/) { Expand($_) }; s/^ //; } sub Sentences { $_ = shift; if ( length ) { print "\n\n* * *\n\n" . $_ . "\n\n"; } $end = shift; for ( $i=shift; $i<=$end; $i=$i+1 ) { for ( $j=1; $j<=2**$i; $j=$j+1 ) { Expand(" " . "CLAUSE. "); if ((scalar @_ > 0) and (rand 10 < 2)) { s/\. $/$_[rand @_]/; } print ucfirst; } print "\n\n"; } } Sentences(("It was easy at first.", 6, 0)); $expansion = $expansion . "_thanks to the exhibitor"; Sentences(("Each helped the other.", 6, 0)); $expansion =~ s/_ .*//; push @object, ("that Charlie grasped nothing because select individuals grasped that the proposition “Justice remembered that Justice wrote that Remy (whom Justice took in) contemplated that when he felt her it was absurd that Remy (whom Justice remembered) (whom he imagined) (whom the newcomer took in) wrote the other or Remy recalled that Tim wrote a lot because Justice sensed the true idea that Remy (whom they (whom the exhibitor sensed) (whom Justice understood) (whom the censor (whom Charlie (whom Tim grasped) (whom the newcomer (whom they (whom select individuals remembered) (whom the mentor wrote) sensed) (whom they imagined) (whom they understood) sensed) remembered) (whom the newcomer (whom Em (whom they (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom they (whom Cyn sensed) felt) (whom Charlie (whom Tim (whom the mentor (whom Justice (whom Charlie (whom the censor imagined) (whom Em (whom the exhibitor (whom he (whom they (whom Em grasped) imagined) (whom Charlie felt) (whom the mentor remembered) wrote) grasped) sensed) (whom Remy imagined) (whom Tim imagined) (whom Remy took in) (whom the exhibitor (whom Charlie (whom Cyn (whom the newcomer imagined) (whom select individuals remembered) (whom the newcomer (whom they understood) remembered) imagined) sensed) remembered) wrote) remembered) sensed) remembered) felt) grasped) took in) recalled) (whom Justice (whom Remy grasped) imagined) sensed) remembered) (whom select individuals (whom Em took in) remembered) (whom the newcomer recalled) (whom Cyn (whom she understood) recalled) understood) understood) (whom the newcomer (whom Charlie sensed) contemplated) took in that Justice (whom Justice imagined) and they wrote existence” was false", "that she wrote a great deal or the philosopher (whom he (whom she (whom the newcomer (whom Tim (whom Remy (whom they wrote) (whom Em (whom the newcomer (whom the exhibitor imagined) (whom the censor felt) recalled) recalled) (whom the mentor (whom Remy (whom Cyn (whom she understood) imagined) took in) understood) recalled) felt) remembered) took in) (whom the mentor (whom she recalled) felt) (whom the mentor imagined) grasped) took in nothing", "that he contemplated that the mentor (whom Em (whom Charlie took in) (whom Em sensed) remembered) (whom she sensed) remembered that the proposition “Tim (whom the philosopher (whom Tim (whom the philosopher contemplated) wrote) (whom he sensed) wrote) (whom Tim (whom the philosopher remembered) grasped) grasped exceptions” was true and they recalled the impossible idea that the mentor (whom he (whom the exhibitor (whom Justice (whom Charlie (whom select individuals imagined) (whom he understood) took in) remembered) recalled) grasped) imagined her and the censor took in that the proposition “Cyn felt a great deal” was false", "that Tim (whom the exhibitor (whom they understood) (whom the exhibitor (whom the newcomer (whom Cyn grasped) sensed) (whom she (whom Justice felt) wrote) grasped) wrote) felt the door, so they took in a bit", "that Em (whom the mentor felt) (whom the philosopher (whom the mentor contemplated) (whom the newcomer imagined) imagined) took in that the proposition “select individuals felt that when Remy felt her it was true that Remy (whom Cyn (whom select individuals felt) imagined) (whom Em sensed) (whom the newcomer remembered) understood that Cyn (whom Em (whom the exhibitor (whom he imagined) contemplated) (whom he (whom the mentor imagined) (whom select individuals (whom they (whom the exhibitor felt) (whom the mentor (whom the mentor imagined) (whom the exhibitor sensed) imagined) recalled) understood) recalled) (whom the newcomer took in) felt) sensed her and Remy (whom she understood) felt the other” was false"); Sentences(("Then, it wasn’t so easy.", 7, 0)); push @object, ("that the proposition “the philosopher (whom the mentor grasped) grasped nothing” was impossible", "that when the newcomer (whom Charlie contemplated) felt exceptions it was absurd that Charlie (whom they (whom the exhibitor understood) imagined) sensed that he imagined that the proposition “Charlie wrote the other” was possible because select individuals understood that select individuals (whom Cyn sensed) remembered nothing and memories", "the true idea that the mentor understood perceptions"); Sentences(("It seemed barely possible.", 6, 0)); @temp_object = @object; @temp_verb = @verb; @temp_subject = @subject; @subject = @people; @object = @people; @verb = ("made a connection with", "felt certain sympathy for", "saw from the perspective of", "held the position of"); Sentences(("Then, a different moment.", 6, 0)); @object = @temp_object; @verb = @temp_verb; @subject = @temp_subject; foreach (@verb) { push @subject, "he (whom she (whom Tim imagined) $_)"; } push @object, ("that Remy and the philosopher (whom Remy (whom Charlie understood) understood) contemplated that they grasped that the proposition “he grasped exceptions” was false or Em sensed the room", "that Cyn (whom she (whom Charlie grasped) sensed) (whom Tim (whom the exhibitor (whom Tim (whom the censor recalled) felt) remembered) felt) took her in and that the mentor felt exceptions"); Sentences(("It got much harder from there.", 6, 0)); @object = @temp_object; @verb = @temp_verb; @subject = @temp_subject; foreach (@verb) { push @subject, "Remy (whom the newcomer (whom the mentor (whom the newcomer imagined) (whom they contemplated) wrote) sensed) (whom select individuals (whom select individuals took in) (whom the newcomer (whom the mentor took in) took in) felt) (whom Charlie $_)"; } push @object, ("that Charlie and Remy (whom Em (whom the newcomer (whom the newcomer took in) (whom she recalled) sensed) took in) imagined that Justice wrote a bit and Remy understood the door", "that the censor (whom the exhibitor (whom she (whom the philosopher understood) (whom Cyn sensed) recalled) (whom Remy felt) (whom he (whom Cyn (whom the exhibitor grasped) understood) sensed) recalled) (whom the mentor felt) took in that she (whom she (whom Cyn (whom he understood) recalled) wrote) and she grasped that the exhibitor wrote that Cyn took in that select individuals (whom Justice remembered) recalled the other because the exhibitor felt nothing because he (whom Remy imagined) (whom she sensed) grasped experiences and that Remy (whom Cyn (whom select individuals grasped) imagined) contemplated experiences and the censor recalled a lot"); Sentences(("Something cracked.", 5, 0, (" no more. ", "? ", " again. ", " mhm. "))); @prefix = ('Meanwhile, ', ''); for ( $k=0; $k<=1; $k=$k+1 ) { Expand("Tim felt this code:\n\n```\n \n" . $program); s/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/SUBJECT_VERB_OBJECT/g; $_ = ucfirst((pop @prefix) . $_); print wrap('', '', $_) . "\n \n```\n\n"; } Sentences(("", 6, 6, " evidently. ", " somehow. ")); foreach (@verb) { pop @subject; } @object = ("nothing"); Sentences(("Finally, all was simple again.", 6, 0, ". At all. ")); print "At all.\n"; Select individuals (whom the philosopher contemplated) took in something. Justice remembered a lot. Justice grasped perceptions. She remembered exceptions. Cyn contemplated that Charlie felt him because Charlie remembered that when Charlie (whom Tim recalled) took in the room it was absurd that he imagined the absurd idea that Cyn understood memories. The philosopher felt something. Remy contemplated them. Charlie understood a great deal. Tim grasped experiences. Charlie (whom Charlie understood) sensed a bit. The newcomer wrote them. She (whom she (whom Justice (whom the philosopher sensed) imagined) (whom Remy imagined) (whom the philosopher grasped) contemplated) (whom the philosopher grasped) (whom the mentor (whom Charlie (whom the exhibitor felt) (whom Justice remembered) sensed) (whom the mentor recalled) (whom Charlie felt) (whom she sensed) (whom select individuals imagined) (whom Cyn (whom the mentor understood) took in) sensed) remembered perceptions. Tim grasped experiences. The newcomer contemplated that Em (whom Em felt) imagined that she (whom Remy (whom Em remembered) (whom Justice (whom she wrote) (whom Remy (whom the exhibitor took in) (whom they (whom Remy (whom the newcomer (whom Remy felt) (whom Cyn wrote) (whom the newcomer felt) contemplated) imagined) (whom he (whom select individuals (whom Remy felt) (whom Em sensed) (whom the mentor wrote) understood) (whom Tim contemplated) (whom Em wrote) imagined) imagined) sensed) wrote) felt) sensed that they contemplated a bit and Justice grasped him and her. He wrote something. She (whom Remy wrote) (whom they (whom select individuals sensed) (whom Cyn understood) imagined) remembered experiences. The exhibitor (whom Remy grasped) sensed the other. He sensed existence. The newcomer (whom she (whom select individuals (whom the censor (whom Em (whom she (whom the philosopher sensed) recalled) recalled) sensed) wrote) (whom the philosopher imagined) remembered) (whom Charlie (whom the philosopher remembered) (whom Em contemplated) (whom the newcomer took in) grasped) remembered memories evidently. Charlie grasped that the newcomer grasped the other and the newcomer took in that Tim and the mentor remembered that Tim took in the door or he grasped that they and the censor understood that the censor and the newcomer (whom Remy wrote) imagined that the philosopher contemplated them. Em recalled existence somehow. The censor wrote something. Charlie remembered something. They took them in. Remy recalled her. Cyn (whom Charlie sensed) (whom he sensed) wrote that the proposition “the newcomer sensed that when Tim remembered that they and Justice understood that the exhibitor wrote a bit it was impossible that the censor understood perceptions” was absurd evidently. The newcomer sensed that Em and Tim sensed a great deal. Justice recalled nothing somehow. Em (whom select individuals (whom Em (whom Justice (whom the exhibitor understood) wrote) (whom she imagined) sensed) imagined) (whom the mentor sensed) grasped that they (whom the newcomer (whom Em remembered) (whom the newcomer took in) understood) (whom she (whom Justice remembered) (whom he (whom he (whom he remembered) remembered) sensed) felt) grasped something because they contemplated her. Justice (whom they (whom the mentor felt) remembered) grasped something. The mentor (whom Justice remembered) (whom Em (whom the philosopher contemplated) (whom he remembered) (whom he (whom Tim felt) sensed) grasped) understood memories somehow. They felt nothing somehow. The mentor wrote the other somehow. The exhibitor understood the other evidently. Justice (whom Cyn wrote) (whom the mentor wrote) (whom Tim felt) understood that the censor (whom the exhibitor (whom he took in) wrote) (whom the censor wrote) (whom Tim sensed) (whom the exhibitor (whom they (whom Tim (whom Justice (whom Cyn (whom she (whom he imagined) (whom the mentor understood) imagined) felt) felt) (whom Tim contemplated) (whom Remy recalled) (whom Justice contemplated) (whom she wrote) wrote) (whom the censor imagined) wrote) contemplated) (whom Cyn (whom the censor recalled) felt) (whom he grasped) (whom the mentor imagined) imagined existence, so he sensed that he took in nothing somehow. The exhibitor remembered experiences somehow. The philosopher (whom Remy felt) felt that Tim took him in and Justice (whom Charlie (whom the philosopher remembered) (whom the newcomer remembered) (whom Tim understood) grasped) (whom she felt) (whom the censor understood) recalled a lot evidently. The newcomer recalled that the proposition “he (whom Justice contemplated) grasped that the philosopher and Cyn (whom he (whom the philosopher recalled) imagined) imagined her” was false. The censor understood existence. The mentor sensed that the proposition “Tim remembered memories” was false evidently. The exhibitor (whom they (whom the newcomer imagined) felt) (whom Charlie took in) imagined the other. Em wrote exceptions. Select individuals (whom the censor (whom the newcomer (whom the mentor (whom Tim sensed) sensed) sensed) recalled) (whom she grasped) (whom the philosopher grasped) took in the room. Tim grasped something evidently. They grasped that Remy wrote them, so Remy recalled that Justice and the exhibitor wrote that they (whom the censor felt) (whom she wrote) and select individuals (whom Remy imagined) felt that select individuals took in exceptions or Em (whom he (whom select individuals (whom Remy contemplated) (whom the censor (whom Remy grasped) took in) (whom Tim wrote) grasped) (whom the censor remembered) recalled) sensed that Tim (whom he felt) recalled the door or the newcomer (whom Tim recalled) felt him. The mentor took in exceptions evidently. She felt that the newcomer (whom he (whom Tim remembered) (whom the exhibitor (whom select individuals understood) contemplated) contemplated) remembered that Tim recalled experiences, so the newcomer grasped exceptions. She wrote that Tim and she contemplated a great deal. He remembered the room. Tim (whom the censor (whom the newcomer (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals (whom the philosopher contemplated) felt) remembered) wrote) felt) felt that when Remy imagined that he and the philosopher imagined that he (whom Charlie (whom they recalled) felt) imagined the other it was true that Remy sensed a lot. Justice imagined perceptions. He imagined that when the philosopher imagined them it was impossible that Charlie (whom Justice (whom Em (whom Remy (whom the censor grasped) took in) understood) contemplated) took in experiences. Justice (whom Em recalled) (whom the philosopher (whom they (whom the newcomer recalled) took in) (whom the censor (whom the philosopher felt) imagined) recalled) (whom Cyn (whom the mentor (whom the exhibitor (whom Em felt) remembered) (whom Remy (whom the exhibitor (whom Tim (whom the mentor sensed) contemplated) sensed) recalled) (whom Charlie (whom the philosopher (whom the mentor wrote) sensed) wrote) (whom Charlie (whom Justice (whom Em (whom the exhibitor contemplated) sensed) wrote) understood) (whom the mentor wrote) remembered) imagined) (whom Cyn remembered) understood a lot. Select individuals (whom select individuals recalled) (whom the philosopher contemplated) (whom the exhibitor grasped) (whom select individuals recalled) (whom Justice (whom Charlie took in) (whom Justice (whom they (whom the philosopher recalled) understood) (whom Justice remembered) sensed) recalled) took in a bit. She remembered them. Em (whom they grasped) imagined that Em (whom she contemplated) imagined existence. Tim (whom Tim contemplated) contemplated that he (whom he (whom they took in) (whom he wrote) grasped) (whom the mentor imagined) remembered a great deal and that the proposition “Charlie (whom Remy (whom she imagined) (whom select individuals sensed) took in) took in experiences” was possible. Justice took in that Tim remembered that the newcomer (whom the exhibitor imagined) wrote him and they (whom she imagined) recalled that Tim understood experiences because she (whom Cyn sensed) grasped that he took in that the philosopher (whom Em recalled) sensed that when select individuals recalled nothing it was false that Em (whom Remy recalled) felt that select individuals (whom Justice (whom the philosopher (whom the mentor felt) contemplated) (whom Tim contemplated) understood) (whom the philosopher (whom select individuals grasped) understood) (whom Tim (whom she sensed) (whom the exhibitor (whom the censor understood) felt) (whom she (whom he (whom Remy understood) (whom Justice (whom the philosopher (whom Cyn (whom the mentor (whom Tim contemplated) recalled) (whom the censor understood) (whom Justice (whom they (whom the censor felt) took in) wrote) recalled) sensed) felt) recalled) (whom the exhibitor grasped) (whom Remy (whom Charlie wrote) grasped) sensed) sensed) understood the room and the room because select individuals remembered a bit and memories because Remy (whom Justice remembered) understood a great deal. The newcomer (whom the philosopher (whom the philosopher imagined) understood) (whom Tim remembered) wrote that she understood experiences. The newcomer (whom Justice understood) (whom Charlie (whom Em understood) sensed) (whom the exhibitor (whom the newcomer (whom Cyn contemplated) remembered) (whom she (whom Charlie (whom select individuals (whom Cyn remembered) remembered) (whom Tim recalled) (whom she took in) contemplated) (whom the philosopher (whom Justice (whom Charlie grasped) sensed) contemplated) understood) understood) contemplated that the proposition “the newcomer grasped perceptions” was absurd somehow. The mentor took in that the mentor and the philosopher (whom the mentor contemplated) remembered him. Charlie (whom the exhibitor took in) wrote that Remy (whom she took in) (whom the mentor sensed) contemplated experiences. He recalled her. The mentor (whom he contemplated) took in that the mentor felt memories or Cyn understood memories. Finally, all was simple again. Cyn recalled nothing. She remembered nothing. Select individuals recalled nothing. Cyn felt nothing. At all. He took in nothing. Charlie grasped nothing. Tim felt nothing. The newcomer took in nothing. The mentor remembered nothing. Select individuals recalled nothing. They contemplated nothing. They grasped nothing. The mentor imagined nothing. The exhibitor remembered nothing. Tim took in nothing. At all. Charlie imagined nothing. The exhibitor recalled nothing. Em contemplated nothing. She understood nothing. At all. Select individuals recalled nothing. The exhibitor took in nothing. At all. They grasped nothing. Tim contemplated nothing. Remy contemplated nothing. At all. The exhibitor remembered nothing. The mentor felt nothing. Tim took in nothing. The mentor recalled nothing. She contemplated nothing. Select individuals grasped nothing. Tim sensed nothing. The exhibitor remembered nothing. Tim recalled nothing. She wrote nothing. Cyn wrote nothing. At all. Cyn contemplated nothing. At all. Em remembered nothing. The exhibitor sensed nothing. At all. Em remembered nothing. The censor recalled nothing. She sensed nothing. Remy felt nothing. Cyn felt nothing. Cyn took in nothing. Justice imagined nothing. Em recalled nothing. At all. Justice took in nothing. Justice contemplated nothing. Em took in nothing. They wrote nothing. She wrote nothing. Cyn recalled nothing. Select individuals recalled nothing. Remy remembered nothing. At all. They recalled nothing. The mentor recalled nothing. The philosopher remembered nothing. He sensed nothing. Em felt nothing. Tim contemplated nothing. Remy recalled nothing. The mentor imagined nothing. Em felt nothing. The newcomer took in nothing. Justice understood nothing. The exhibitor imagined nothing. Tim recalled nothing. Select individuals remembered nothing. Em imagined nothing. Charlie remembered nothing. Select individuals imagined nothing. She sensed nothing. Charlie sensed nothing. Select individuals recalled nothing. The newcomer took in nothing. She contemplated nothing. At all. Charlie sensed nothing. She wrote nothing. Em sensed nothing. Charlie felt nothing. At all. The mentor felt nothing. He recalled nothing. She felt nothing. Tim recalled nothing. Select individuals understood nothing. Select individuals remembered nothing. Em took in nothing. She sensed nothing. He took in nothing. Em contemplated nothing. At all. Tim took in nothing. Select individuals recalled nothing. Tim remembered nothing. Remy felt nothing. At all. The newcomer remembered nothing. At all. They felt nothing. At all. Select individuals understood nothing. She wrote nothing. Cyn understood nothing. She felt nothing. The mentor took in nothing. Remy wrote nothing. He took in nothing. The philosopher remembered nothing. The censor understood nothing. Remy wrote nothing. The philosopher recalled nothing. Cyn felt nothing. Em understood nothing. He grasped nothing. Select individuals wrote nothing. At all. The censor imagined nothing. The censor grasped nothing. Em sensed nothing. He contemplated nothing. The exhibitor recalled nothing. At all. Justice remembered nothing. At all. The exhibitor contemplated nothing. The mentor understood nothing. The philosopher wrote nothing. Select individuals wrote nothing. At all. Remy felt nothing. Cyn understood nothing. At all. The censor grasped nothing. At all. Em imagined nothing. Justice felt nothing. Charlie understood nothing. At all. At all. ---------- Words After Golem: Generation(s) of Text Zach Whalen “The transducer—the machine, as instrument and as message—thus suggests the sort of duality which is so dear to the physicist, and is exemplified by duality between wave and particle. Again, it suggests that biological alternation of generations which is expressed by the bon mot—I do not remember whether it was Bernard Shaw’s or Samuel Butler’s—that a hen is merely an egg’s way of making another egg...Thus the machine may generate the message, and the message may generate another machine.” —Norbert Wiener, God and Golem Inc. Like most parables, Nick Montfort’s Golem is both a riddle and a warning. It is a puzzle that juxtaposes a sense of mystical awe with anxious musing about originality, derivation, and permutation. After beginning with the line “It was easy at first,” and in successive moments (or chapters) continuing to reconsider the elided antecedent of that initial pronoun—“Then, it wasn’t so easy,” “It seemed barely possible,” “It got much harder from there”—the book’s implied question is what is this nameless “it”? The text offers several clues, but the most obvious point of entry turns out to be a misdirection. As a poet who uses code, Nick Montfort routinely publishes source code alongside the text that that code will produce. In his collection #!, for example, code is published in white type on a black background (mimicking the default color scheme of many code editors) on the verso page facing a poem generated by that code. The symmetry of the bound book’s pages spread out before a reader models the safe assumption that the code on the left produced the text on the right. Both the code and the text are available to be read and interpreted, but their relationship is never in question. In other works, Montfort uses inherently open platforms like HTML or makes code available on his website, nickm.com. This practice of sharing is consistent with an ethos of openness endemic to literary creative programming (see National Novel Generation Month, for instance) but it also amounts to Nick showing his work. In some cases, the code is more interesting or suggestive than the poetic text it produces, or to paraphrase John Cayley, sometimes the code is the text, unless it is not the text. But Golem makes a significant and surprising departure from this practice. The manuscript includes two complete Perl scripts that are “understood” and “written” by characters in the book, “He (whom the philosopher contemplated)” and “Charlie,” respectively. One may reasonably look to this Perl code for the origins of the manuscript we see before us, and an initial perusal seems at first to confirm that this may be the source of what we read. For example, some of the first lines create arrays or lists that appear to have obvious uses. @people, @verb, and @object seem to be all the necessary ingredients for Golem’s opening, “easy,” section where sentences can be constructed by choosing one from each list: "They (from @people) took in (from @verb) perceptions (from @object)." "Em (from @people) grasped (from @verb) a great deal (from @object)." Then, the two subroutines &Expand and &Sentences seem well-named to do the work of constructing and permuting these lists through various templates and recursions. It does seem easy, at first. But what else might be hinted at in the opening lines? Why are there two Perl scripts? And why is this code diegetic instead of paratextual? After printing its name and establishing the scope of its output, the first true action each script takes is to read itself into memory with the line open($filehandle, '<', $0) or die $!;. The name $filehandle is assigned to the view into a file, and the < directs that handle back to itself. If this view fails to open, the program will die and hopefully explain what happened in the error message stored as $!. If all goes well, lines of the program are copied into a text string called $program (the code is the text), and eventually that copy of itself will be subjected to the same subroutines that transform templates into the prose text of each chapter. By the time the book being generated prints the contents of the variable $program as the imagination or contingent expression of its characters, it will have been transformed into something else. In other words, the book that we read as Golem contains two Perl scripts, each of which will produce a book called Golem, but neither of which could possibly have produced the book we read. Each successive generation of Golem is in turn capable of generating two more Golems, but each new book differs from the original in ways that are increasingly less subtle. Because the &Expand subroutine replaces tokens in a template with elements from the object lists (@people and the rest), the derivative program included in each second-generation book and beyond will have already had those placeholders replaced. The code that looks for those tokens will not find any, so it will just return the full template (now a passage of prose) over and over again. The eventual outcome is a lurching, gibbering, book-shaped thing propped up with diminishing variation. By the third generation removed, the chapters of the book simply repeat the same convoluted sentence more than a thousand times. Other characters only survive as replacements for templates that will never be used in code that is doomed to be imagined over and over again. The inevitability of this descent leads us back to the original question: What is the “it” that was so easy at first? But now there is a new layer: If neither of these scripts can produce the book we now read, what is that program? Where is the book that generated the one we read? Or the one that generated that book? The possibilities stretch into a hall of mirrors, and because of text that has already been replaced by the time we enter that hallway with Golem, we have no way of knowing how far along we have already come, how far removed we are from the original. The poems in #! may disclose their origin, but of course code is never fully transparent or exhaustively accountable to the meanings that proliferate in a poem produced by code. Golem’s disguised origin invites us to reconsider those origins as metacommentary on the process of creating something from nothing. Perl is a notoriously opaque programming language, and Montfort’s “All the Names of God”—another work with a Kabbalah allusion, and perhaps Golem’s prequel—is an especially obfuscated example where its 32 byte source code, {print"a"x++$...$"x$.,$,=_;redo}, will produce an expanding series of “names that will quickly fill gigabytes of available memory. The print version ends in an ellipsis, but executing the digital version will likely crash the terminal or require a hard reboot. There is no practical way to complete the poem imagined by the program; it is impossible to know all the names of God without being God. Names have power in Golem as well, providing perhaps the most potent clue about the meaning of its figurative (pro)creation. Both Perl scripts imagined in the original manuscript include the line $program =~ s/Nick Montfort/Golem/;, but after reading the code of the program into itself, this line will scan the contents of the program and replace the first instance of “Nick Montfort with “Golem. Thus, the code we read in the manuscript only includes the text string “Nick Montfort in that one place in both scripts. Subsequently, the next generation will always remove it so that the line will next read $program =~ s/Golem/Golem/; when it appears in that book’s programs. At this point, Perl replaces “Golem with “Golem, which does a kind of work but without making any difference to the output. Still, it underscores the process of creation because the book we read is implied to be an earlier result of the same process. It begins with “Golem // Nick Montfort and will produce two books that begin with “Golem // Golem. The secondary and tertiary Golems can only create others like themselves with the materials they find within themselves. Much like Frankenstein’s monster or Star Trek’s Data/Lore, the desire to produce another like oneself is the ultimate evidence for life, but that desire leads to direct conflict with a creator—or even their complete erasure. Like all great art, unraveling the secret of Nick Montfort’s Golem invites us to consider where we, the reader, find our self in its central analogy. It reads us into its riddle. In this way, the ease declared in the opening line is a provocation or a tease: but are we, like Charlie, creatures of clay doomed merely to imagine Golem’s creation through a glass darkly, or do we dare follow its ascent from mysticism to morality? Whichever interpretation we choose, Golem is an astonishingly rich work of text generation in both the creative and procreative senses. It is never as easy as it seems. At all. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Nick Montfort has generated books that include #!, 2×6 (with six collaborators), Autopia, and The Truelist. Among his digital collaborations are The Deletionist and Sea and Spar Between. He edits Counterpath’s series of computer-generated books, Using Electricity. He has six books out from the MIT Press, with a new edition of Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities coming in May 2021. Montfort is professor of digital media at MIT, where he directs a lab/studio, The Trope Tank. He lives in New York. PUBLISHER INFORMATION DEAD ALIVE is committed to supporting the future of digital art and the artistic relationship between humans and code. We seek to explore future-facing storytelling in a manner that is radically collaborative. If you have enjoyed this experiment, tell other readers by posting a review on your preferred book site. If you would like to learn more please reach out at deadalivepress.com.