Odes to the Big Dick God: Priapea XXXV

I'll bugger you, thief, for the first offense.
The second time, into the mouth it goes.
But if you commit a third theft
your ass will taste my vengeance --
and then your mouth again.

Notes on Priapea XXXV:
The meter of the poem is hendecasyllabic.
There is no exact equivalent for the Latin verb "irrumare,"
used in line 2. The primary meaning is "to suckle" but it
commonly has been used to mean "to force or compel someone
to suck one's penis." For a thorough analysis of this word
and its use in the Priapea and elsewhere see A. Richlin, 
"The meaning of irrumare in Catullus and Martial," 
Classical Philology 76 (1981), pp 40-46.

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