Senderos que se … Intimate, Infinite

Intimate, Infinite by Robert Yang

Robert Yang’s latest is a first-person-shooter version of Jorge Luis Borges’s “The Garden of Forking Paths.” With a lovingly off-kilter translation (befitting its “original”) and with visuals and (quite minimal) interaction that suits the experience, this is an extraordinary set of linked mini-games, well worth the short amount of time it takes to get through them, and worth offering at least a bit for this pay-what-you-will game.

Check out Intimate, Infinite.

Intimate, Infinite by Robert Yang

2 Replies to “Senderos que se … Intimate, Infinite

  1. Interesting find. I DL’d this and am trying it out. The graphics, even set at high, seem blocky, but otherwise, interesting experience. Not sure I would even call it a game.

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