Discussion in Manhattan Barracks

Shortly after 24:00 on Day 1 of the time period under consideration, two of the civilian code-talkers, Ed Fluegel and Bruce Springsteen, were provided with toiletries and a change of clothing. These were delivered to them in their temporary quarters in the facility. According to Agent Virgule, who accompanied the two civilian code-talkers to their quarters, the two were somewhat disoriented and puzzled. Agent Virgule told them that they were adjusting well to their recruitment, however.

The two were given casual slacks, white T-shirts, underwear, and black socks from inventory. From the check-out sheet it is not clear whether boxers or briefs were distributed. After slacks of an appropriate waist size were found, they were hemmed by an employee at the facility, at about 24:05. Bruce Springsteen was also given a flannel shirt. Ed Fluegel was given a belt and a sweatshirt bearing the Columbia University crest. Standard shaving kits, from inventory, were also distributed to the two of them. Gordon Doe's clothing and toiletries had been brought earlier and were already packed in a trunk beside the bunk where he lay asleep.

Agent Virgule provided a spiral bound notebook, a legal pad, and three black pens to Ed Fluegel, Bruce Springsteen, and Gordon Doe, placing the supplies by Doe's bed. Agent Virgule also left in the room a single photocopy of an Akkadian lexicon which had been made earlier in the day. He indicated quietly, attempting not to disturb Gordon Doe's sleep, that a more complete and bound lexicon would be provided to each of the civilian code-talkers upon their arrival at the training location. He also indicated that this lexicon and any notes they might take were for their review during the training period. He indicated that they could be taken with them to the training location, but were to be destroyed before the code-talkers left the United States.

The civilian code-talkers had not been notified of the training location, except for Gus Fortan's earlier indication that they would be traveling to Virginia. At about 24:08, prior to departure from the civilians' quarters and in the course of informing the code-talkers about the superior lexicons they would soon receive, Agent Virgule made mention that training would take place at "headquarters."

After the second recruitment agent left the room, Ed Fluegel and Bruce Springsteen got into the top and bottom bunks of one set of bunk beds. In a bottom bunk nearby was Gordon Doe, sleeping.

Hope Hearst's activities in her private quarters were not recorded as there was not a female security officer present. Thus video surveillance in her quarters, as per federal regulations, was deactivated.

The audio recording devices in the male code-talkers' room were brought back on at 24:09. A quiet conversation between the two civilian code-talkers was in progress, and was recorded.

Ed Fluegel: ... a little fucking annoying, you know?

Bruce Springsteen: Well, yeah, it's pretty weird for me, too. I hadn't made any agreements to get involved in this sort of thing. I mean, maybe it was ... well, I didn't know that I'd be sent to South America thirty years later.

EF: There was some government service clause on the scholarship application, I guess, yeah. I had noticed it, but I didn't look at that very close, what, was I supposed to turn down the scholarship? And now, look, I'm all, finding myself pulled into all this ... And what about my brother? I haven't been the best ... parent in the world to start out with and now, I mean, he was basically kidnapped by the CIA. Or, I guess I was. We both were! And now he's being sent to San Francisco to be put through who-the-fuck-knows what at the whim of some doctors or some graduate students in psychology or whoever? I mean, I didn't approve that, our dad didn't approve that.

BS: Yeah, I can see how that would be upsetting.

EF: It's really ... whacked, you know, it's ... just really strange they would do this to you, isn't it? I mean, you're a ... well, you're basically, like, a rock star, right? Your face is all over. And they're using you in a covert operation? I mean ... what? They shouldn't ...

BS: Well, it's not that I should get special treatment, I just don't think this is particularly fair to do to anybody. I guess I'm sort of looking forward to seeing the world from a new perspective. Can't see too much interesting from the stage, you know. The lights are too bright.

EF: Man, I don't know. I'm sorry to lay all this on you. I guess I have a few things to adjust to.

BS: So, you were saying ... you know my line of work already. You're a writer, Ed?

EF: Of sorts. I do technical writing, for the most part, but it's not really a passion of mine.

BS: What is?

EF: Well, the classics. Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, the Iliad, the usual suspects. I've published a few academic articles about the Odyssey, I guess that's writing that I really care about. Two articles.

BS: Was one of those in The Classical World?

EF: Ah, well, yes, in fact. What, did they give you my file or something?

BS: Oh, no. I just, I think I read it, that's all. The one about the liminal quality of the sea's surface, how the sea served to mediate between the sky and the land? (see abstract)

EF: Um, yes.

BS: I thought it was quite good. Usually people consider the sea as a mysterious depth rather than a translating surface. At least, I had in my readings. Your article really informed my next reading of the Odyssey. It gave me a good new perspective.

EF: Really? Well, thanks.

There is no conversation recorded for several seconds.

EF: Um, you read The Classical World regularly?

BS: Oh, not every issue, but I do look at it now and then.

EF: Wow, I guess I'm sort of surprised. And that, well, you know Akkadian and all, so I guess it shouldn't shock me. Although that sort of surprised me at first.

BS: I do have a working-class background, but that really isn't inconsistent with the cultivation of the mind.

EF: No, of course not. I know that. I just. Sometimes we have these preconceived notions, you know, I guess.

BS: Don't sweat it, Ed.

There is no conversation recorded for several seconds.

BS: It's going to be weird ... going to Colombia.

EF: Columbia? They have a pretty decent Akkadian collection in the library there.

BS: Hm? No, not there ... we're being sent to Colombia, the country. Haven't they told you yet?

EF: Wha ... ? Uh, it's gonna be tough to get to sleep.

BS: Yep. But it sounds like we'll need whatever rest we can get.

This last utterance was recorded about 24:25. The civilian code-talkers seem to then have drifted off to fitful sleep.